‘Chemical Paint Sector’ll Benefit Lagos Mega City’
An impressive year end has been predicted for companies quoted on the Chemical & Paint Sub-sector of the Nigerian Stock Exchange, following the compulsory structure painting slammed on Lagos landlords in the state government.
A dealer with Yuderb Investment and Securities Limited, Mr Bimbola Olaniyi, made this observation while talking in view of the directives.
According to Olaniyi, discerning investors should start buying into these companies now before other investors caught wind of the potential and the subsequent rush.
Olaniyi said, “Even when sales of a company increases that is not the end of the year for the company.
Don’t forget that prices are being affected by the result being posted and the dividend they tend to declare. So even when activities go up or when sales go up it is when the account is posted and dividend declared before you start to see the effect on company in the market”.
He stated, “Investors that are proactive should start buying at a low price before the drift begins as a result of the massive painting of structures, which will no doubt translate into increased turnover and in turn profit for theses companies.
He contended that although unquoted companies would compete against the listed ones in terms of sales, some people would still have to insist on quality, which is typified by quoted companies. “There are still some people that want value and quality. No matter what, they still want to go for known names. In which case this quoted companies would still be affected because some people will prefer their paints to other ones.
Some people don’t believe in the local paints as they see them as inferior. The Lagos State Government, in preparation of the Lagos Mega city project, had instructed property owners in the state to paint their buildings within 90 days period, which according to the government, may lead to seizure of buildings where the owners failed to comply with the directive.
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