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Afam VI And Yar’Adua’s 6,000mw Power Quest



One of the pillars of the President Umaru Musa Yar’Adua’s 7-Point Agenda is the generation and supply of 6,000 megawatts electricity to Nigerians for both domestic and industrial uses by the end of December, 2009. The Federal Government’s goal in this respect is to increase the power generation capacity from the present level of about 2,500megawatts, to at least, 6,000megawatts to be able to bridge the yawning gap in the power generation and consumption equation. To achieve this objective, the government declared state of emergency in the power sector, and made significant budget allocation to some strategic power generation infrastructure projects across the country.

One of such projects is the Mambilla hydropower project. In addition to this are a host of power generation projects under the National Integrated Power Projects (NIPPs) in Akwa Ibom, Bayelsa, Cross River, Delta, and Rivers states, among others. The NIPPs are expected to add steam to some of the state government-driven power generation projects and other private sector initiatives, in a concerted effort to meet the Federal Government’s target of 6,000megawatts by the end of this year.

Rivers State is one prominent state in the federation that has taken a giant leap to ensure self-sufficiency in power generation, transmission and distribution to consumers. Kwara State is another, which only recently commissioned its power generation facility near Ilorin, the state capital. But let’s look at Rivers State as an example.

With three power stations at Eleme, Tans Amadi and Omoku, the government has intensified efforts to check intermittent power cuts from the supply lines of the Power Holding Company of Nigeria (PHCN) to electricity consumers in the state. The government’s strategy is to increase its independent power generation capacity by about 350megawatts, which is conservatively the capacity, needed to meet the electricity requirements of all residents of the state, including industrial consumers. The huge investment in this sector clearly points to the seriousness the administration attaches to stable power supply as an elixir to speedy socio-economic growth and development of the state. When this is achieved, the state can then begin to reap the fruit of sustainable development.

Of course, the stability of the power situation means the vibrancy of the entire system, progress and prosperity of the people. Thus, the result of a stable power supply environment would translate to employment generation and capacity development for all employable, full industrial capacity utilisation, improved productivity, quality and cheaper goods and services. Other benefits include reduction in crime rate and violence, trimmed poverty level, enhanced human capacity development and education, higher purchasing power, fluid society, and an environment enmeshed in peace, mutual happiness and concord. This is what the Rivers State Government wants to accomplish by its massive investment in the power sector.

This is also what the Federal Government wants to achieve across the country with the litany of national power projects dotted all over the states. In an effort to strengthen the Federal Government’s drive for 6,000megawatts electricity by the end of this year, the private sector, especially those operating in the upstream and downstream sectors of the oil and gas industry, have also committed huge resources into projects to scale up the national power generation capacity. The Shell Petroleum Development Company of Nigeria is one of such companies with a number of power and gas generation infrastructures in the Niger Delta. One of its strategic infrastructures is the Afam VI Combined Cycle Power Project (AVICCPP) located in Oyigbo Local Government Area of Rivers State.

The Afam VI Power Project has two components: An integrated power facility and a gas plant. The power facility has a nameplate capacity of 650megawatts, which is an increase of 20 per cent of current national power generation capacity. On the other hand, the Okoloma gas plant has a nameplate capacity of some 240 million cubic feet of gas per day, which will feed the Afam VI facility as well as the Nigerian Gas Company network of pipelines to domestic and industrial users in the country. The gas facility will also boost the current national capacity by 20 per cent.

While the power facility is currently supplying 450megawatts electricity to the national grid, managed by Power Holding Company of Nigeria, the gas plant is now feeding the nameplate capacity to NGC pipeline, which is now boosting national gas supply level to both domestic and industrial users. Now, the steam turbines are being synchronised to manage the waste heat from the plant to generate a further 200megawatts of very-low emission electricity, to be fed into the national grid before the end of the year. These facilities are now waiting for President Yar’Adua’s official commissioning to add fillip to the realisation of a key aspect of the 7-Point Agenda. These are significant feats that deserve commendation.

Perhaps, it is because of the impact of the facilities on the national quest for self-sufficiency in power generation and supply, as epitomised in President Yar’Adua’s 7-Point Agenda, and the need to recognise Shell’s commitment to the Federal Government’s aspirations, that the Minister of State for Petroleum, Odein Ajumogobia, visited the Afam VI facility two weeks ago. The minister’s visit to this important facility is significant in many ways. It crystallises the value the Federal Government attaches to the quest to raise the national power capacity, and stabilise electricity supply to millions of Nigerians.

Ajumogobia’s visit and nod to the project obviously signifies that the next step will soon be taken by the Federal Government to officially commission the facility. His report to the Minister of Petroleum, Dr Rilwanu Lukman, and indeed, to President Yar’Adua will, therefore, set the stage for the next government step toward the celebration of yet another milestone in the quest to address the ugly power situation in the country.

The minister’s assessment of the facility and his expression of excitement at the extent of work done by the company to contribute to enhancing the energy supply equation in Nigeria are clear vindication of the commitment of Shell to key into all meaningful and development-driven government initiatives. His expression of satisfaction with the project shows that the government’s drive to achieve 6,000megawatts by the end of this year has received a boost.

He is not the only one that has expressed such feelings. Members of the Senate Committee on Gas, led by their Chairman, Sen Osita Izunaso also visited the facility last year, and thumbed up Shell for embarking on the magnificent project. They, indeed, rated the project as one of the best in the world not just because of the quantum of power and gas it was designed to generate to bridge the national gap, but because of the cutting-edge, state-of-the-art technologies deployed in its construction. These technologies would ensure operational efficiency, quality power and gas generation, low emissions of greenhouse gases and near zero adverse impact on the environment, which also addresses the climate change concern similar facilities elsewhere have exacerbated. Thus, the government would be solving too many problems with just one power project in Afam.

In fact, the Afam integrated power and gas project, awarded in 2005, took less than three years to achieve first electricity supply to the national grid in 2008. The Shell Petroleum Development Company of Nigeria began starting up the Afam VI power facility and the Okoloma gas plant in Rivers State, barely one year ago. Now, the facility is supplying electricity to millions of Nigerians in the Niger Delta and elsewhere as well as supporting the nation’s economic growth by enhancing the energy supply chain to lubricate the already rustic system.                        

The Afam VI power project is the largest of its kind in the country, and would generate the much needed electricity to facilitate access to power supply for many Nigerians who have had shortages in the supply chain for decades. Apart from offering consumers more reliable electricity supply, the facility would also provide a cleaner low-emission alternative to the diesel and petrol generators now widely used when blackouts occur.

The Okoloma gas plant is another facility put together with modern technologies to remove liquids present in gas when it comes out of the ground, a process necessary before it can be used in the gas network or to generate electricity. This advanced technology design, experts say, is less costly and more reliable to operate than the older technologies which add chemicals to segregate or unitise the gas from the ground. The integrated plants have solved more problems for Nigerians: Reduction in gas flaring in the area, reduction of carbon dioxide emissions and greenhouse gases, increased access to electricity and gas to many domestic and industrial users.

It is important to note that the achievement of 6,000megawatts electricity supply to Nigerians by the end of this year, under the 7-Point Agenda, would mean a lot of things to the country. It would mean more employment opportunities for the teeming youths, and improved productivity at the industrial and manufacturing levels. This would unleash economic vibrancy, reduce crime rate, poverty level, stabilise the homestead and encourage more Nigerians to be happy with the system, enhance social interactions, and strengthen peace and sustainable development in the nation. All these would tilt the pendulum to a stable democracy, and a society of happy, law-abiding people.

That is the goal of the Yar’Adua administration, which the 7-Point Agenda strives to address, particularly the power aspect of the programme. And the Afam VI power project fits into this as an instrument for addressing the challenges facing the government. That is why Ajumogobia is excited with the project as it directly impacts the objectives of the Yar’Adua government. This also reflects the mood of Shell management, which was palpable in Mr. Mutiu Sunmonu, SPDC managing director’s expression during the minister’s visit.

Sunmonu had said, “this is an extremely important project for Nigeria. The Afam VI and Okoloma plants are making a real impact on the quality of life of millions of people. We are proud to support the government in its efforts to provide more energy for Nigerians”. This is no doubt true. And it is a good commentary in a country where most government policies and decisions have tended to annoy the people rather than excite them. At least, this one excites the minds of many, because the road to 6,000megawatts electricity supply to Nigerians looks shorter now than before.       


Nelson Chukwudi

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Farmers/Herders Clash:  Livestock Ministry As Solution



The persistent clash between farmers and herders in Nigeria has been a longstanding issue. These conflicts, often, over resources like land and water, have led to loss of lives, destruction of property, displacement of large numbers of people, deep-seated mistrust between communities and insecurity. Herders, traditionally nomadic, move their livestock in search of grazing land and water. Farmers, on the other hand, require the same resources for their crops. This competition often leads to clashes, especially in areas where land is becoming increasingly scarce due to population growth, climate change, and environmental degradation. As these clashes intensify, there has been a growing call for sustainable solutions. Two weeks ago, President Bola Tinubu took a bold step towards tackling the issue by inaugurating the Presidential Committee on Implementation of Livestock Reforms and creating the Ministry of Livestock Development.
The committee which has the president as the chairman and the former Chairman of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), Professor Attahiru Jega as the deputy chairman has the mandate to address obstacles to agricultural productivity and open up new opportunities which benefit farmers, herders, processors, and distributors in the livestock-farming value chain as well as propose recommendations aimed at fostering a peaceful co-existence between herders and farmers, ensuring the security and economic well-being of Nigerians.The establishment of the Ministry of Livestock Development was part of the recommendations of the National Livestock Reforms Committee. Part of the 21 recommendations submitted to the president include: “This agenda should include the establishment and resuscitation of grazing reserves as suggested by many experts and well-meaning Nigerians and other methods of land utilisation.
“Create the Ministry of Livestock Resources in line with practice in many other West African countries. In the alternative, Federal and State Governments should expand the scope of existing Departments of Livestock Production to address the broader needs of the industry,” among others. Experts in the agricultural sector have posited that the livestock industry can create millions of jobs directly in farming, processing, and distribution, and indirectly in related sectors like feed production, veterinary services, and marketing. It provides livelihoods for rural populations, helping to reduce poverty and improve the quality of life in rural areas. It also increases the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and foreign exchange earnings through the exports of livestock and livestock products such as meat, dairy, wool and leather.
According to them, a well-funded livestock industry supports the growth of agro-processing sectors, such as meat packing, dairy processing, and leather manufacturing, adds value to raw products and creates additional economic activity as well as stimulates the development of supply chains, including logistics, packaging, and retail, contributing to broader economic growth. It enhances economic resilience by diversifying the agricultural sector and providing a buffer against crop failures or other agricultural shocks and many more. Some other agriculturists have also opined that the livestock industry in Nigeria is currently underdeveloped and that by the creation of the ministry of livestock development will open up the industry which will be a huge money spinner for Nigeria.
Reports have shown that a Livestock Ministry can play a pivotal role in mitigating  conflicts between farmers and herders by implementing policies and programmes aimed at fostering coexistence and sustainable resource management. The Ministry can work towards clearly demarcating grazing routes and farming areas. This would reduce instances of trespassing and accidental crop destruction, a common flashpoint for conflict. While introducing rotational grazing systems can ensure that land is used sustainably, preventing overgrazing and land degradation, establishing water points and boreholes specifically for livestock can reduce competition for water resources. Similarly, promoting the development of pasturelands through reseeding and controlled burns can improve grazing conditions.
According to a veterinary doctor, Dr Andrew Obadiah, by providing training for herders on sustainable livestock practices and for farmers on conflict resolution, both parties can understand the importance of coexistence. He said that extension services of the ministry can offer advice on improving livestock health and productivity, reducing the need for large herds and extensive grazing. “Setting up local committees involving both farmers and herders to mediate disputes can provide a platform for dialogue and peaceful resolution. Encouraging community-based conflict early warning systems can help prevent clashes before they escalate”, he emphasised.For Mrs. Stella Ugwu, a farmer, having a ministry dedicated to the development of the livestock industry can help in diversifying income sources for both farmers and herders and in turn reduce dependence on land.
”For instance, promoting agro-pastoralism can provide farmers with livestock and herders with agricultural produce”, she explained, adding that providing incentives for adopting sustainable practices, such as subsidies for fodder production or crop insurance, can ease economic pressures. Ugwu was however of the opinion that the creation of a new ministry to handle livestock affairs was uncalled for, since the job can effectively be done by the Technical and Service Department of the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and food security and its equivalent on the states level.In some countries, the establishment of a Livestock Ministry or similar bodies has shown promising results. For example, Ethiopia’s Ministry of Agriculture includes a dedicated department for livestock which has successfully implemented programmes to improve pastoral livelihoods and reduce conflicts.
In Kenya, the establishment of the National Drought Management Authority has helped manage resources better, thus reducing clashes between herders and farmers during dry seasons.The president of Miyetti Allah Cattle Breeders Association of Nigeria (MACBAN), Othman Ngelzarma, sees the Ministry of Livestock Development achieving the same feat for Nigeria in the near future. He told newsmen that, “MACBAN expresses its deepest appreciation to the Federal Government for creating a ministry of livestock to unlock the trillion-naira livestock economy and create qualitative and productive jobs across the value chain to improve the Nigerian economy. With this development, MACBAN believes the hope of the Nigerian pastoralists is now achieved under the Renewed Hope Agenda.
However, the Middle Belt Forum took a different view of the proposed Ministry of Livestock Development, saying it was not enough to sustainably resolve the decades-long farmers-herders crisis in the country. According to the National President of the association, Mr. Bitrus Pogu, what is needed to end the perennial farmers/herders clashes is a deliberate action by regulatory bodies and the government to stop criminal elements from carrying out deadly attacks on innocent Nigerians, mainly farmers. Hear him: “If the reason for creating the Ministry is to stop clashes, I think it is wrong because all of these attacks and killings that are happening have nothing to do with conflicts between farmers and herders. “Farmers have never connived at any given time to go and attack herders, but rather, criminals who happen to be Fulani gang up and attack farmers, kill, maim and chase them out of their ancestral homes.
“Then, the Fulani will come and occupy them. So, it is more about invasion, criminality, and terrorism. And the majority of those they hire to do these evils are not even those who have cattle. So, a deliberate action has to be taken by the government against the perpetrators, which will address the criminality.” Mr. Pogu suggested that the government should adopt ranching for productivity and enduring peace between the pastoralists and farmers in particular and the entire country in general.While the establishment of a Livestock Ministry presents a viable solution, it is not without challenges. Funding constraints, bureaucratic inefficiencies, and corruption can hamper its effectiveness. Additionally, deeply ingrained cultural practices and mistrust between farmers and herders can be difficult to overcome.
Critics argue that without a holistic approach that includes land reform, climate change adaptation, and broader economic development, a Livestock Ministry alone may not be sufficient. Therefore, it must work in tandem with other governmental and non-governmental bodies to ensure comprehensive solutions. “A dedicated Livestock Ministry, with its focus on sustainable resource management, conflict resolution, and economic incentives, offers a promising avenue to address the root causes of these clashes. However, its success depends on effective implementation, adequate funding, and the cooperation of all stakeholders involved. With the right strategies and commitment, devoid of any political or selfish interest, it can play a crucial role in fostering peace and prosperity in affected regions”, they advised.

Calista Ezeaku

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Developments In Rivers’ Health Sector  …A Leap To Greater Height



Quote:”In all of  these, politics was put aside while governance and care for the people rented the air”.
The Holy Scriptures was apt when it recorded in the Book of Proverbs Chapter 29 verses 2 that “when the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice”. This became evident in our dear state under the visionary leadership of Governor Siminalayi Fubara CON, GSSRS anchored by our amiable Commissioner for Health, Dr. Adaeze Chidinma Oreh. In the year under review, the implementation of Rivers State Health Insurance with 20,000 lives enrolled between April and August 2024 was made possible. This is not a paper work, but something on record for everyone to see.  Another point to note was that of Lassa Fever Outbreak. The swift containment of the Lassa Fever outbreak was greeted with superior attention by the State Government under the supervision of the Honorable Commissioner. Going down the lane, proactive emergency preparedness and response against Cholera outbreak was also recorded. One may be tempted to imagine, what would have been the fate of Rivers people and its residents, if Fubara did not become the Governor, or had  Oreh  not  been nominated as the Health Commissioner.
The reactivation of 24/7 Rivers State Emergency Ambulance Service and accreditation of Rivers State School of Nursing to College of Nursing Sciences by Nursing and Midwifery Council of Nigeria are another issues to ponder on. In all of  these, politics was put aside while governance and care for the people rented the air. Increase in quota for admissions at the Rivers State College of Nursing Sciences by 142 percent  , completion of 400 Capacity Classroom Block for College of Nursing Sciences  and the current recruitment of 1000 healthcare workers for the Rivers State University Teaching Hospital (RSUTH) and Rivers State Hospitals Management Board are another set of invaluable feat for the Health under the supervision of Dr. Ureh.There are further the issues of increase in scholarship recipients at Pamo University of Medical Sciences by 50 percent ( 50%),  ongoing construction of Drug Rehabilitation Centre,  and renovation of Zonal Hospitals and General Hospitals across the street.
Before now, most General Hospitals in the State were just a shadow of itself. They were better recognized by some paintings and photo portraits hunged on their respective receptions. Things are actually fell apart in the governance of the Hospital cum Health Management in the state, because of what health pundits viewed as mediocrity. It did not take long after the advent of the present administration, things like construction of Staff Quarters, Laundry, and Mortuary at Zonal Hospitals,  and  new General Hospital in Obio/Akpor Local Government Area begin to crop up.These were what many in the state have viewed as impossible. But those with fore sight and whose firm believe are anchored in God Almighty, know that things will naturally get fixed in the state.The upgrading of Neuropsychiatric Hospital, inaugurations of Taskforce against Substandard Hospitals, Clinics & Diagnostic Facilities ,  Taskforce against Fake and Adulterated Medicines are another great achievement of the Government in the Health Sector.
There is this local adage that says that ” That the best way to hold or control rain was to first and foremost, control the lightening”,. This of course, was what the Governor via the Health Commissioner considered in the attempt to give the Health Sector a facelift.Without given attention to things like fake and adulterated drugs control, the system would not have been brushed off counterfeits. Though, drug adulteration and counterfeits are a sort of global concern, but could be brought under control when a good mercenary is in place.We also recorded the renovation of 35 Primary Healthcare centres across the 3 Senatorial Districts of the state and hosting of Team from the Royal Salford Hospital United Kingdom for Advanced Specialist Training in Renal Care  (Nephrology) at Rivers State University Teaching Hospital. Establishment of six (6) Integrated Management of Acute Malnutrition (IMAM) Sites across the three (3) senatorial districts of Rivers State to address childhood malnutrition and reduce the burden of underweight, stunted, and acutely malnourished children in the state. These were tagged as the first of its kind in Southern Nigeria.
The  State-wide Master Training in Safe Blood Surveillance (Haemovigilance) to enhance blood safety ,  developed and circulated a user-friendly specialised tool to begin formal reporting of blood transfusion reactions to enhance blood safety in Rivers State are among the many achievements at instant of the present Government in the Health Sector under the supervision of the Commissioner. The introductions  of Eye Care Services into the portfolio of healthcare services at the primary care level, Mental Health Services into the portfolio of healthcare services at the primary care level and that of the Obstetric Imaging/Uktrasound for Pregnant women into the portfolio of healthcare services at the primary care level are other things worthy to noted.The  implementation of the Community Health Influencers, Promoters and Services Programme (CHIPS), introduction of Midwives Services Programme in Rivers State, introduction of Oxygen programme in Primary Healthcare and the introduction of Gender Integration in Primary Healthcare are still among the credits recorded in the Health Sector.
One would not forget in a hurry the inauguration of Rivers State Health Committee for the Southern Religious and Traditional Rulers Engagement Project (SORTLE). I can beat my chest that the state never had it this way before now. These are clear testimonies that one can leverage on to make good defense for the present administration.  The development of Minimum Service Package for the provision of quality PHC services , Free Malaria rapid diagnosis, Antimalarial treatment across State Healthcare facilities  and improved maternal morbidity  mortality and improved child immunisation coverage, all came with the Fubara Government.Opening of Burns Treatment and Care Unit ,  Modular Surgical Theatre, construction and  Pathology Laboratory for diagnostics and training purposes in RSUTH are second to none. The reconstitution of Boards – Rivers State University Teaching Hospital, Rivers StateHospitals Management Board ,  the unblocking of the promotion of Healthcare workers, harmonisation of Doctors Salaries to align with Consolidated Salary Scheme of Federal Government  and payment of Hazard Allowances for Doctors are all witnessed under Fubara.
Others include, payment of Residency Training Grants 2023-2024 for 379 doctors in Rivers State, accreditation of Paediatrics Training Programme in Rivers State University Teaching Hospital by National Poatgraduate Medical College of Nigeria and the opening of 12 ICU bed spaces at Rivers State University Teaching Hospital.One can go on and on without exhausting the achievements of the present administration. These are the things that gladden the hearts of the governed ( the people). Things that will make them feel the impact of the government around them. Most of the people are not chanced enough to even visit the Government House or attend any state function, but will rejoice, if the afore stated developments are at their reach. The expansions of bed spaces in Orthopedics and Trauma and  bed spaces in Rivers State University Teaching Hospital by 163 beds are also good developments. The South-South Award for Primary Healthcare Leadership (UNICEF, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Aliko Dangote  Foundation & Nigeria Governors’ Forum), Public Health Excellence Award by United States Centre for Disease Control and Prevention and  National Award in Tuberculosis control implementation abstract writing for the Public Health Department at the Rivers State Ministry of Health are further support and prove of the good deeds of the Governor Sim Fubara -led administration.
The recent commissioning and Commencement of Medical Oxygen Plant donated to RSG by UNICEF, Canadian Government, and IHS Towers at Eleme Generally Hospital, which did not in anyway, suggest a kind of End- of-Discussion for the Government in Health Sector, brought or open new page of challenge for the Government in the sector under review. Indeed, when”  The Righteous Rule, The Peopleby Rejoice “
By: Leslie  Eke
Leslie Ekeis the Eze Oha Evo III of Evo Kingdom Nyerisi Eli Woji ( Eze Woji XII), Chairman Ikwerre Government Recognized Traditional Rulers, Eze Gbakagbaka and a Public Affairs Analyst.
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Infertility And Family Stability



Mrs Tamunobarabiye (not her real name) is an indigene  of one of the riverine Local Government Areas of the oil-rich Rivers State of Nigeria, She was happily married to a man whom she described as her heartthrob. And the marriage thrived peacefully for ten years when suddenly there was a twist of events in the marital relationship. The relationship turned sour because of the absence of the fruit of the womb. The marriage was characterised by accusations and counter accusations compounded by pressures from external influences especially the husband’s relatives who blamed their son’s wife for not giving a child to their son. They described the woman as “another man in the house”, The union which started well with the Bible at the centre, was cat and rat, until medical procedures vindicated the woman. Such is the fate of many marriages and the unfortunate condition of many homes in Nigeria with the woman  disproportionately blamed for lack of child bearing in marriage.
It is not saying something new that In most countries of the world, especially the African countries,  infertility has posed great challenge to stability of marriage. Some marriages have failed because of inability of couple to have children. In a typical African tradition, where misguided myth and superstition  hold sway, more often than not,  women are speculatively and presumptuously blamed for the lack of procreation in the marital relationship  while the husband is saintly in disposition and in the biased evaluation of his relatives. Gynaecologists however, have proven that either husband or wife or the both could be responsible for infertile challenges encountered in marriages. It is not exclusively an act of witchcraft as many African homes are prone to, and captivated  by such superstitious belief. Gynaecologists and other medical experts have cited ignorance and the lack of awareness as major contributory factors to the rising incidence of infertility in marriages.
The specialists in women challenges spoke at the 2024 Fertility Conference, held recently in Lagos. The annual event, themed, “Infertility – Need for Knowledge and Early Intervention,” was organised by the Parah Family Foundation(PFF). The Lead Speaker, Preye Fiebai, a Professor and Specialist Obstetrician and Gynaecologist from the University of Port Harcourt, also noted that Nigerian men were unaware that the ability to ejaculate did not equate to being fertile. According to Fiebai, research has shown that 20-45 percent of women in Nigeria are infertile, but often, the cause of infertility in marriages is not the women.
The Specialist Obstetrician said research breakdown shows that 40 percent of infertility cases are due to male factors, 40 percent to female factors, 15 percent to combined male and female factors, and five percent are unexplained.
Fiebai listed causes of infertility in men to include: erectile dysfunction, impotence, decreased libido, psychogenic issues, endocrinopathies, age, and over weight, among others. For women, the medical expert pointed to cervical factors, uterine factors, diseases of the fallopian tubes, and problems with ovulation. Also,  a professor of Surgery from the University of Lagos, Kehinde  Habeeb Tijani, added factors such as age, weight, stress, excessive alcohol consumption, exposure to radiation, and constant exposure of the testicles to high temperatures as contributors to infertility. For his part, Managing Director, Lifeline Fertility Clinic, Kemi Alioje and Tony Akinyemi, while affirming the submission of the other speakers, offered various remedies to overcome infertility. They also advised women over the age of 54 to avoid aspiring for pregnancy due to the associated risks.
Also speaking, the Conference Convener, Dayo Odukoya described the infertility rates and causes as “alarming.” She emphasised the need for ongoing awareness  to encourage couples experiencing infertility to seek solutions early in their marriages rather than delaying. According to her, “The foundation’s primary objective is to share vital information, enlighten and  provide the relevant support system for families undergoing fertility challenges to eradicate ignorance, the misguided myths and social stigma associated with delayed fertility in our society. “The choice of the theme for this year’s conference; infertility- needs for knowledge and early intervention; is to further reiterate the importance of continued awareness, and knowledge about the challenges of infertility and more importantly, action to be taken as early as possible if not, it may cause further delays, especially in late marriage and aged women.
“The journey to parenthood is lonely and must not be treaded alone. There is a need for a support system on this journey and that is where the Parah Family comes in,” she said. The effects of infertility is better imagined than experienced. It is daunting, overwhelming and emotionally devastating. It triggers uneasy calm, quarrels, fighting, accusations, and divorce. The effects defy religious membership as some Christian marriages are not free from the attendant challenges caused by infertility..
Mrs Veronica, a victim of infertility induced crisis said infertility in marriage is a nightmare that a woman should not wish her enemy. According to her, it is stigmatizing, and leads to exclusiveness in a matrimonial home.”You know this thing called infertility is a bad thing that one should not even wish it happens to her enemy. It is a very bad experience. You are not free in your marital home.
Almost every member of your husband’s extended family sees you as the cause of their brother not having a child”. For Mrs. Beauty, infertility is a challenge that some women brought on themselves ignorantly when they were young. According to her, abortion may cause infertility. “You know that no woman knows her fertility status – that is the number of children a woman can give birth to, in a normal condition. Some women might have several pregnancy abortion and may still have a child or children. But some may abort only once, yet may not have any child”. She warned against the temptation of abortion of pregnancy. She said no pregnancy is “unwanted”. Rather than trading blames and accusations, married men and women should undergo medical checks to ascertain their fertility status even before marriage. Those who are medically deficient should access medical facility to solve the problem.

Igbiki Benibo

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