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The Ban Of Okada And Mining



The menace of commercial motorcyclists popularly known as okada riders has been a big problem in the country for several years. There is hardly anybody in the country that does not have one ugly tale or the other to tell about okada. The recent incident at the popular Dei Dei market in Abuja which led to the loss of lives, including that of a pregnant woman and property worth millions of Naira was reported to have been linked to the recklessness of an okada rider. Some people have associated the  operations of the okada riders with some robbery incidents and terrorism in some parts of the country as some terrorists and criminals, they say, disguise as okada men to perpetrate the criminal acts.
Therefore, it could be justified for the government to curtail the hazards of okada. But is a nationwide ban as proposed by  the federal government, the way out? Does the federal government even have the power to enforce such a ban across the states or is it just a case of speaking before thinking only to later take back their words as we have seen many times among Nigerian leaders? Did the government consider the consequences of such a ban? Rising from a national security council meeting in Abuja last Thursday, the Attorney-General of the Federation and Minister of Justice, Abubakar Malami, hinted about the government’s plan to ban commercial motorcycles, as well as mining activities across the nation, as a way of stemming the rising insecurity across the country and cutting off funding for the terrorists.
According to him, the planned action “is a sacrifice that we see as what will help address the security challenges and I think no sacrifice is too big as far as that issue is concerned. “Above all, if you are talking of banning motorcycles, for example, I think the number of people using these motorcycles is not up to 20 percent of the Nigerian population. “So, if that percentage is called to make a sacrifice that is all-pervading or affecting over 200 million Nigerians, I think that sacrifice is not too much and is worthy of being considered.” The first question to be raised from Malami’s pronouncement is, did the AGF forget that we run a federal system of government in Nigeria and that the constitution of the country is unambiguous on what the duties of the three tires of government are?  Are there efforts to carry the governors along or the federal government intends to impose their decision on them?
Secondly, is banning commercial motorcycle the best way of solving terrorism problem in the country? Talking about this decision, a political analyst made an analogy of a man suffering from severe headache and instead of finding the root cause of the sickness and treating it, he decided to cut off his head. I mean, why all these white-wash approaches to the problem of terrorism and general insecurity in the country? Why do we choose to treat the symptoms of a disease instead of its cause? Why is it so difficult for the federal government to muster the political will to deal with the problem of insecurity the way it ought to. A lot of security experts and other concerned Nigerians have made brilliant suggestions and recommendations on how to curtail the ugly situation weighing the nation down, yet we do not see any of such suggestions being implemented.
Rather, we see a notorious terrorist who is accused of several killings and other atrocities in the country, being turbaned on the lame excuse that “he is a repented terrorist”. We see terrorists being rewarded with appointments in the military, because “they have repented”. Terrorist attack planes, trains, churches, sack villages and farm lands, whisk people away from their homes and even hospitals, kill people every day and disappear into the thin air. Just a few weeks ago, over 400 criminals and terrorists escaped from Kuje Correctional Centre, in the Federal Capital Territory, following the raid of the facility by some Islamist terrorists. The Minister of Interior, Rauf Aregbesola, was bold to Nigerians that significant efforts were made to gather intelligence before the attack but regrettably, there was a lack of will to act on it. Yet, up till now, no heads have rolled. We have since moved on as if nothing happened.
The point is, as long as we continue to treat terrorism in Nigeria with kid gloves and pamper the terrorists  instead of punishing them as the law stipulates, as long as we continue to place selfish, political, tribal, religious and sectional sentiments over the general good of the nation, the situation cannot abate. Malami talked about the 20 per cent of the population, (about 40million people) who are engaged in the commercial motorcycle business, sacrificing their means of livelihood for a better Nigeria. And the question many have asked is, what sacrifices have our leaders made towards a better Nigerian society? Why must it always be the civil servants, the workers and the poor masses that are expected to suffer for the good of the country?
Again, how better can the country be if this number of people are left without a means of sustaining themselves and their families. Did the government consider the ripple effects of the decision? What alternative is the government going to provide for the people that are legitimately using this as a means of livelihood? What alternative means of transport will be provided for Nigerians whose villages, residence and others can only be accessed with a motorcycle? As a matter of fact, okada should not have been in the first place if governments, both past and present, had done what was expected of them like providing good roads, affordable means of transportation, employment, better life for the citizens and all that.
It is just the same way the government has turned blind eyes on the illegal mining activities that have been going on in some northern states over the years. They have failed to effectively regulate these activities and ensure that the money generated goes into the government’s coffers just as it is with oil in the Niger Delta or preferably, allow the other states to also control the mineral resources domiciled in their states and pay taxes to the centre as it ought to be in a true federalism.  Reports have it that all kinds of mineral resources are being mined up north which the authorities declare as illegal  but those involved are hardly jailed. Whereas in the south, those involved in petroleum have been accused, jailed or killed.
We recall the Zamfara State Governor, Bello Matawalle, during a visit to President Muhammad Buhari, in 2020, where he presented some gold bars and other precious stones mined in the state in commercial quantity stating: “It is very important to us as a government, particularly on the issue of insecurity, to know the root cause of insecurity. Zamfara State is blessed with many mineral resources and some people outside the country come to buy gold and other precious stones and sometimes, instead of paying people, they pay back with arms; I did some investigations.”
That disclosure and similar other reports on terrorism financing, including the culprits were swept under the carpet. Yet, the same government is today telling us that mining has become a source of funding for terrorism. Let us be serious in this country for once, please. I want to repeat for the umpteenth time, that the government knows what to do to stem the insecurity in the country. They should please, sincerely do the right thing for the sake of the nation and stop all these ill-conceived ideas that will not take the country anywhere, as far as the issue of insecurity is concerned.

By: Calista Ezeaku

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Fubara: Another Landmark Decision



On Friday August 16, 2024, at the swearing-in of six new permanent secretaries in the Executive Council Chamber, the Executive Governor of Rivers State, Sir Siminalayi Fubara said that his government will no longer approve contract services for retired Permanent Secretaries in the State so as to give room for others on the line to progress. According to the Governor, if the government continues to give contract to retired permanent secretaries there won’t be room for those who are coming behind, adding that as soon as any permanent secretary retires a new person will be appointed to replace the office. The Governor Fubara’s decision is a “Daniel come to judgement”. It is a commitment to seamlessly drive succession in the civil service. In my considered opinion, it also demonstrates the end of unnecessary bureaucratic gaps in the chain of progression in the civil service.
The civil service as an organised, structured and well coordinated machinery, helps every government in power to achieve policies and Programmes. This however, cannot be achieved if the machinery of government is ineffective and inefficient. A situation where those who are supposed to have left the civil service having attained the statutory retirement age and service years are still being retained in the service speaks volumes of lack of functional succession plan in the service. In the Civil service, ranking is transitional such that a staff on a rank today is expected to transit to the next level in three or four years if he or she meets the promotional requirements. By this subsisting policy there should not be a lacuna in the chain of progression in the service. The functionality of the arrangement makes training and retraining of staff inevitable to enable staff meet the statutory requirements of their anticipated job.
Where there is regular manpower or capacity development training for staff the civil service cannot suffer dearth of efficient and qualified personnel that will necessitate the retention of a civil servant who ought to have retired from the civil service. Retention of retired civil servants implies that those retained are indispensable and that no person in the service was qualified enough to assume that position. The tacit belief that the exit of a retired staff will create a vacuum in the chain of production only reveals a systemic dysfunction. It shows that the exit of such “indispensable” staff was not anticipated so that any vacuum that the absence of such staff would create would have been taken care of well ahead of retirement of such staff. Nothing happens fortuitously in an Organised, functional system.
Retaining those who have retired on their position while there are undoubtedly, staff who are qualified for the same position, does not foster career progression in the service. An efficient and effective service should ensure that no succession gap exists in an organization. And this is achievable by the training and retraining of staff in anticipation of their next level job roles and demands. If a superior officer proceeds on an annual or casual leave any person who acted in his or her absence should be deemed eligible to fill that position when the substantive officer retires. Some civil servants rarely proceed on annual leave because of the false beliefs that the absence of such officer would affect the smooth running of the office. The false belief that a staff is indispensable unwittingly shows that someone has not done what he or she was supposed to do to fill the gap. Should such officer die, will the office be closed? Will someone next in line not be posted to take charge?
Another reason why retention of some categories of staff seem inevitable is when there is lack of manpower in that area. To check such situation, service providers and employers of labour should identify areas where there is lack of manpower and fill them early enough, so the newly employed will understudy their superiors and acquire the desired relevant knowledge on the job that will make them progress and assume a higher responsibility. After all knowledge can be generated informally on the job, as the workers are trained and understudy their superiors.The Governor’s decision should serve as a wake-up call to train and retrain workers. Funds should also be made available to the manpower development experts in the service to end the retention of staff who have retired.

Igbiki Benibo

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Mrs Fubara: Model Of Selfless Leadership



In recent years, Nigeria has faced a persistent challenge that has significantly impacted the cost of living for its citizens—the fluctuating price of Premium Motor Spirit (PMS), commonly known as petrol. The direct correlation between the price of PMS and the overall cost of living has become increasingly apparent, prompting a crucial need for measures to stabilise these fluctuations. The socio-economic implications of this phenomenon highlight the urgency to explore the impact of volatile PMS prices on the cost of living in Nigeria and advocate for strategies to stabilise these prices for the benefit of the entire nation.The price of PMS plays a pivotal role in shaping the economic landscape of Nigeria. As a major source of energy for transportation and power generation, any fluctuation in petrol prices has a ripple effect on various sectors of the economy. The transportation industry, in particular, heavily relies on petrol, and any increase in fuel costs leads to elevated transport fares, directly impacting the cost of goods and services.
One of the primary consequences of volatile PMS prices is the inflationary pressure it imposes on the economy. When the price of petrol experiences sharp and unpredictable increases, it triggers a chain reaction, causing the prices of essential goods and services to rise. This inflationary spiral, in turn, erodes the purchasing power of consumers, making it increasingly challenging for them to meet their basic needs. Additionally, the impact of fluctuating petrol prices extends beyond the immediate economic realm. It affects businesses’ operational costs, leading to reduced profit margins or, in some cases, business closures. This, in turn, contributes to unemployment and economic instability, amplifying the socio-economic challenges faced by the nation.
To address these issues, it is imperative to explore strategies to stabilise the price of PMS. One key approach is to enhance transparency and accountability in the pricing mechanism. A transparent pricing structure that reflects global oil market dynamics and eliminates hidden charges or subsidies can contribute to a more stable and predictable pricing regime. The earlier the government considered diversifying the energy mix to reduce over-reliance on petrol, the better. Investing in alternative and renewable energy sources can help mitigate the impact of petrol price fluctuations and create a more resilient energy sector. This approach aligns with global trends towards sustainable and eco-friendly energy solutions.
Moreover, regulatory measures should be implemented to curb hoarding, smuggling, and other illicit activities that contribute to artificial scarcity and price manipulation in the petroleum market. By enforcing stringent regulations and penalties, the government can create a more competitive and fair marketplace, fostering stability in PMS prices. Collaboration with key stakeholders, including oil marketers, transport unions, and consumer advocacy groups, is crucial in developing and implementing effective policies. Engaging these stakeholders ensures that the perspectives of all parties are considered, and policies are crafted to address the diverse challenges associated with petrol price stabilisation.
Also, investing in the expansion and maintenance of domestic refineries is essential for achieving a more stable petrol pricing environment. By reducing dependence on imported refined products, Nigeria can exert greater control over its energy security and insulate itself from external market fluctuations. On the international front, diplomatic efforts to negotiate favourable terms with oil-producing nations can also play a role in stabilising petrol prices. Establishing strategic partnerships and agreements that provide Nigeria with a more stable and predictable supply of crude oil can contribute to maintaining stable petrol prices domestically.
Howbeit, stabilising the price of PMS is a critical step towards alleviating the burden of the rising cost of living in Nigeria. The government, in collaboration with relevant stakeholders, must adopt a multi-faceted approach that encompasses transparency, regulatory measures, diversification of energy sources, and international collaboration. By doing so, Nigeria can create a more resilient and sustainable economic environment that benefits its citizens and fosters long-term growth and prosperity.


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Curtailing Wastage In Governance



After the election of Bola Tinubu as the President of Nigeria, his highly elated wife, Oluremi, told the nation that her family is rich and does not need the wealth of the nation to survive. She said, “Nigeria’s wealth is the commonwealth of all. It belongs to everyone. God has blessed my family. We don’t need the wealth of Nigeria to survive but to do the right thing. And I promise you on this altar, that with your help, with the help of God, we will set this nation on the right path.” As a matter of fact, many Nigerians rooted for Tinubu as the president because they believed that he was very wealthy and would have no need for the nation’s wealth. Some say he was richer than the country and that there was no better person to manage and grow the country’s economy than Tinubu, a “successful business man.”
Incidentally, the administration’s persistent habit of extravagancy belies these claims. From the reforms that have impoverished millions of Nigerians, to the budgeting of billions of Naira for the purchase of presidential yacht, luxury vehicles for the president, his wife, the vice-president, renovation of the VP’s official residence in Lagos and now the purchase of a multi-million Dollar presidential jet, it seems like our billionaire president, his family and hangers are actually there to use the taxpayers money to maintain their lavish lifestyle despite the economic pain of such to the nation.For ten days at the beginning of this month, Nigerians were on the streets across the country protesting bad governance, hunger and economic hardship.
They made several demands, which include a return of fuel subsidies, improvements in living standards, cuts in the cost of governance, reduction in electricity tariffs, and solutions to escalating insecurity, among others. Not less than seven people died during the protest. And the government that could not meet these demands, went ahead to purchase a jet for the president? If that is not the height of insensitivity to the citizens’ plight then tell me what to call it.The same government that lavishes money on things that do not align with the needs and priorities of the people have been choking the people with all manner of taxes and has been preaching to the citizens to endure the hardship and consider it as a sacrifice being made for the nation’s brighter future.
The worst is that the authorities keep taking the citizens for granted. When the idea of a new presidential jet was muted by government officials who claimed that Boeing B737-700 (BBJ) was in bad shape and no longer safe for the president, Nigerians opposed it on the basis of the harsh economic realities of the country. But the government, as usual, neglected their opinion and went ahead with the purchase secretly. Perhaps, Nigerians would have still been kept in the dark about the purchase of the Airbus A330 but for the Nigeria-Ogun-Chinese Company embarrassing controversy. No transparency. No accountability.Expectedly, the presidency has been defending the purchase of the jet. The Special Adviser to the President on Information and Strategy, Bayo Onanuga wants Nigerians to jubilate because, “The new plane, bought far below the market price, saves Nigeria huge maintenance and fuel costs, running into millions of dollars yearly.”
Onanuga and some other government officials have also justified the purchase of the jet based on the age of Boeing and safety of the President and other of its users. Nigerians love their president and other leaders and wish them well but Nigerians also expect their leaders to show leadership by example and sacrifice for the betterment of the country. They want the president and other leaders to prioritise the welfare of the people over short-term political gains. Nigerians want their leaders to prioritise the needs of the country in view of the nation’s scarce resources. And in doing that, food, security, power, functional government refineries, welfare of workers, good roads, adequate power supply and other basic needs of the masses should be given utmost attention than a presidential jet.
Nigerians want their president to be transparent and accountable to the citizens that put him in power. As the 2023 Presidential Candidate of the Labour Party, Peter Obi admonished, “Now that the jet is here, Nigerian taxpayers whose money was used to purchase it need to be privy to how much it costs, how old the aircraft is and how long it’s been in operation. “In addition, Nigerians also deserve to know about how the old jets are being disposed of, how many of them, how old they are, and why they are being sold. Transparency and Accountability should be the hallmark of any genuine leadership.” And talking about age, reports have it that the Boeing B737-700 (BBJ) which has operated for 19 years is just four years older than the new jet which is 15 years old.
This makes one agree with the opinion of some experts that age should not be a detrimental factor as long as the maintenance schedule is strictly adhered to and spare parts are provided as at when due.  Isn’t the Boeing 747 (the Air Force One) used by the US President, said to be 34-year-old and has served no fewer than six Presidents, including the incumbent Joseph Biden? Therefore, without a good maintenance culture, the new aircraft will not last as long as expected. We must discard the habit of handling government’s property with negligence. People must be made to sit up and carry out their duties diligently to avoid the wastage of scarce resources.Wasteful spending not only drains the nation’s coffers but also erodes public trust in the government.
When citizens witness the lavish lifestyles of public officials—characterised by fleets of luxury vehicles, endless foreign trips, and grandiose state events—they justifiably question whether their leaders have their best interests at heart. This erosion of trust can fuel public discontent and even destabilise governance. The economic repercussions of wasteful spending are severe. Every naira spent on unnecessary luxury is a naira that could have been invested in critical sectors like healthcare, education, infrastructure, and security. Nigeria’s infrastructure deficit is estimated to be in the billions of dollars. Yet, instead of channeling resources towards closing this gap, successive administrations have prioritised short-term, high-visibility projects that offer little long-term value.
Furthermore, wasteful spending contributes to the nation’s growing debt burden. Nigeria’s debt profile has ballooned in recent years, with a significant portion of the national budget now dedicated to debt servicing. This leaves little room for capital expenditure and social programmes that could uplift millions of Nigerians out of poverty. The cycle of borrowing to finance wasteful projects is unsustainable and jeopardises the country’s economic future. To curtail wasteful spending, the budget process must be overhauled to eliminate non-essential expenditures. This means cutting down on excessive allowances for public officials, reducing the number of government agencies and the president announced, and prioritising spending on projects that have a clear, measurable impact on the populace.
Strengthening institutions that monitor and evaluate government spending is crucial. Agencies like the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) must be empowered and adequately funded to carry out their mandates. Public access to government spending data should be improved, allowing citizens to track how their money is being used, while lawmakers at all levels must wake up to their responsibilities of checking the excesses of the executives instead of acting like partners in crime. Reducing wasteful spending is not just a matter of fiscal prudence; it is a moral and economic imperative that could determine the future trajectory of the nation. As President, governors and local government chairmen, our leaders have the power to set the tone for the nation’s administration. By adopting a modest lifestyle and eschewing unnecessary extravagances, they can send a powerful message that wasteful spending will not be tolerated. This could inspire a broader culture of prudence within government circles and can restore public trust.

By: Calista Ezeaku

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