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 Agriculture To The Rescue



Who says something good will not come out of the current economic crisis in the country?  If not for anything, the dwindling oil revenue has forced many people and indeed the nation in general to consider going back to agriculture. Before the discovery of oil in 1958, agriculture was the country’s economic mainstay with different regions boasting of different cash crops like groundnut, cocoa, rubber palm oil produce and many more,  thus making agriculture a main source of employment, income and foreign exchange earnings for the nation.Today, with its abundant arable land and over 160 million people, Nigeria cannot feed its citizens not to talk of exporting to other lands.  Successive administrations at both federal and state levels have claimed to be investing in agriculture with little or noting to show for it.  Rather, the country has become one of the largest importers of food in the world.  All kinds of good items from all over the world find their way into the Nigeria.  We import wheat, sugar, fish, milk, vegetables, fruits, rice and other food items which could be abundantly produced locally.
Incidentally, the constant plummeting of the naira has sky-rocketed the prices of virtually every item in the market.  The result is that many Nigerians today go hungry.  The recent stories of how people steal cooked food, abandon their children at shops in exchange for food items are indications of how bad the situation has become.  And the only remedy is agriculture. Some stakeholders in the agriculture sector have posited that with over 79 million hectares of arable land, diversified ecological conditions, abundant water resources and adequate rainfall and sincere commitment by government, poverty, joblessness,  and hunger will be completely eliminated in the country.That is why the effort of some state governments towards improving agriculture must be commended.  Sometime in 2016, Benue state government approved the declaration of every Friday as a work-free day to enable workers in the state work in their farms.
The objective was to enable as many workers as possible to produce food to feed their families, given the  economic downturn in the country which has made regular payment of salaries  in some of the states of the federation a major challenge. This is indeed a good initiative which should be emulated by other governors.  They have a lot to do to steer their states away from the monthly handouts from Abuja.  Virtually every state in the country is blessed with one natural endowment or the other, which if properly harnessed and utilised will impact positively on the people.  Why then do our governors wait on Abuja for handout?
The point is, now that there is no money in the country even to pay salaries,  our leaders should think of ways of harnessing our natural resources to make life better for the country. It is high time we began to think of life without crude oil.  We succeeded without oil before,  we can do it again.  Let every state governor encourage their people to go back to agriculture. Reports have it that many civil servants in Ekiti State have toed the Benue line by returning to their villages to farm.  Anambra and Akwa Ibom states are also said to be presently producing tomatoes in very large qualities. That is the way to go.
Many countries had used a similar situation we are in now to turn their fortunes around and we can do it if only we are able to reduce our dependence on crude oil and focus on other lucrative sectors like agriculture.
Government should therefore, encourage farming by providing modern farming implements to farmers to boost their production.  A situation where most farmers still rely on crude farming implements like hoes and cutlasses is most discouraging.
Farmers who are willing to expand their farms often complain of lack of support from banks.  Unless this problem is solved and provision of soft loans to farmers is made possible, our dream of having a thriving agriculture sector may not be realised.
Recall that some Benue State civil servants at a point formed cooperatives, and loans were given to only groups that had verifiable farms.  Such measures should be adopted by other states to ensure that only real farmers and those truly interested in farming received support.
Provision of power, accessible roads and good transport system is also paramount.  Many farm products perish in villages due to non-availability of access roads and transport system to bring them to the cities’ consumers.  And yet, there is no storage facilities.
There is indeed need for federal, states as well as individuals to show more commitment to agriculture if the on-going hunger in the land will be quelled.  The time of paying lip service to agriculture ought to be over.  Individual cooperative societies, clubs and other stake holders should invest in agriculture.  This will not only assure on adequate food supply in the country, but will also create jobs for our teeming unemployed youths, reduce rates of social vices and crimes associated with unemployment.
However, one thing is certain, without peace and security in our rural communities there can be no development.
Farming and other agricultural activities which largely take place in the villages cannot thrive if the constant killings, kidnapping, cult war, Boko Haram activities, cattle rearers’ disturbances and other crimes perpetuated in our communities are not curtailed.
Nigeria can regain her pride as the food basket of Africa if the right measures are taken to revive the agriculture sector.  President Buhari promised during his electioneering campaign that he would pay adequate attention to agriculture.  The time to do that is now, so that Nigerians can have food to eat.

by: Calista Ezeaku

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Ohafia Set To Bury Udumeze



The Elu Ohafia Community and residents of Ohafia Kingdom in Ohafia Local Government Area of Abia State, are putting finishing touches to preparations to accord a befitting burial to Udumeze of Ohafia Ancient Kingdom, His Royal Paramountcy, Prof Emmanuel Ume Lekwa Imaga, the Ezieogo of Elu Ohafia. The burial has been fixed for July 3 to July 6, 2024 at his country home in Elu.

The burial Central Working Committee, chaired by Chief Prince Kalu Ikpemini, with Chief Ume Kalu(SAN) as co-chairman, has in a press statement signed by the Secretary, Uma Ntima indicated that preparations are in top gear to give the deceased monarch a befitting burial, befitting his status and accomplishments.

The committee also hinted that after a thanksgiving at the Presbyterian Church, Isiama Parish on Sunday, July 7, a renowned cleric, Dr Uma Ukpai would conduct an interdenominational service, comprising the monarchs of the 26 villages, the Ohafia clergy and community leaders at Achichi Ohafia.

During the Udumeze’s final rites of passage, the unique Ohafia tradition, customs and culture will be on display while not undermining his Christian faith and belief.

According to the statement, the academic community, where the deceased monarch spent his adult life, culminating to the attainment of the status of a professor, will not also be left out in the chain of activities, as a day of tributes and exhibition of his academic works will equally form part of the obsequies.

The burial also promises to be grand with the expected atmosphere of conviviality and camaraderie pervading the entire Ohafia landscape, as various parties and groups in his country home in Elu, have resolved to unite and come together, to actively participate in the weeklong activities lined up to bid the late Udumeze a deserving farewell.

The burial committee has, therefore, enjoined all well-meaning Ohafia sons and daughters, residing in Nigeria and in the diaspora, including friends, neighbouring communities and in-laws of the Ohafia people to participate physically and virtually in all the activities marking the final rites of passage for the late Udumeze.

The Udumeze’s Elu Community is expectedly wearing a new look, as efforts are being made to give not just the community but also the palace of the deceased an aesthetic and beautiful outlook.

Besides, series of meetings, both physically and virtually are being held to put everything functionally in place, especially as the July 6 burial date is fast approaching.The burial uniforms, comprising T-shirts, ankara and george materials have also been released at subsidised rates, to make the burial truly colourful.

It is also noteworthy that the entire Ohafia people across the 26 villages are totally committed to the burial of the late Udumeze with the sundry financial donations, contributions and support trickling in on a daily basis, from across the country and the diaspora, to ensure a hitch-free and successful burial for the late monarch.


By: Donatus Ebi

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MFN President Lauds IFMA Over Tournament Sponsorship



President of Muaythai Federation of Nigeria MFN, Comrade Paul Egonu has lauded International Federation of Muaythai Association (IFMA) over the sponsorship of about 600 Khru Muaythai, trainers and foreign Muaythai boxers to perform the Wai Khru Muaythai ceremony.

The event was held at the Ancient Olympia Stadium in Greece, the birth place of Olympics Games. It was witnessed by a huge crowd including notable Muauythai athletes all over the world.

Comrade Egonu made the commendation in an exclusive Interview with Tidesports yesterday, shortly he arrived Port Harcourt from MFN meeting in Lagos, saying that the commendation was also borne out of the fact that IFMA made it possible for Muaythai to feature in Tokyo Japan 2020 Olympics as a scoring sport.

He further commended IFMA leaders, Dr. Sakchai Tapsuwan, President Stefan Fox, Secretary-General Janice Linn, Sports Director Dr. Supranee Kuptasara, former manager of the National Sports Development Fund (NSDF)Associate Professor Dr. Anan Meksawan, Dr. Chao Watayotha, International Khru Muaythai and other leaders to organise ” Muauythai IFMA Senior World Championship 2024″ in Patras, Greece, May 31 through June 9, 2024.

According to him, over 1,200 Muaythai athletes from 79 countries from five continents participated in the World Muaythai Championship and Muaythai boxers were divided into different categories.

“We commend our Internatiomal body to have successfully hosted Muauythai IFMA Senior World Championship 2024″ in Patras, Greece, between May 31 – June 9, 2024 and sponsor over 600 Khru Muaythai, trainers and foreign Muaythai boxers to perform the Wai Khru Muaythai ceremony in Ancient Olympia Stadium in Greece, the birth place of Olympics Games and prepared to showcase talents at the forthcoming 2024 Olympic Games in Paris, France.

” Apart from that we are also happy that our parent body is making sure that the sport is acceptable in every part of the world including in Nigeria”, Comrade Egonu said.

He use the forum to urge Muaythai athletes in Nigeria to keep faith and their moral high as the Federation awaits Federal Ministry of Youths and Sports to do the needful by recognising Muauythai as a scoring sports in NSF, as they have met the statutory requirements.

” As Federation we have met statutory requirements to be a scoring sports in NSF because we have appeared in three National demonstrations and have two-third of Muaythai athletes in the States which we have achieved since 2006 at the NSF Gateway Ogun State and unofficial demonstration at the 20th National sports Festival tagged Edo2020 NSF held in Edo state”, he stated.

The MFN President also assured Muaythai athletes in Nigeria that they will participate at the forthcoming NSF scheduled to hold in Ogun State next year January.


Tonye Orabere

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Winners-Take-All Approach Detrimental To Political Justice And Unity – Jonathan



Former President Goodluck Jonathan has cautioned that the prevailing “winners-take-all” approach to politics in Nigeria is detrimental to political justice and unity.
Speaking yesterday as the chairman of the national symposium to mark this year’s Democracy Day at the Presidential Villa, Abuja, Jonathan emphasised the need for a more inclusive system where parties that perform well at the polls are given a role in governance.
The symposium, which marked this year’s Democracy Day, brought together prominent figures from across the country to discuss the state of democracy in Nigeria and the need for reforms.
Jonathan highlighted the negative impact of the current zero-sum practice, which he said fosters a culture of do-or-die politics. He urged the National Assembly to work out a formula that would ensure parties that score a certain percentage of votes in an election are included in governance, thereby promoting political justice and unity.
“The powers of the presidents are defined by different constitutions and so on and so forth.
“So our National Assembly can also look at models that will suit us. The zero-sum approach, where a party that even sometimes gets 40% of votes, especially at the state levels will have nothing, gives rise to this do-or-die politics.
“That zero-sum approach, I think, is inimical to consolidating and strengthening our democracy.
“Let me conclude by saying that together, we can forge a Nigeria where every citizen has a voice, where opportunities abound, where the promise of a better tomorrow is not just a dream but a tangible reality.
“Let us therefore celebrate this milestone with pride and renewed determination.”
President Jonathan also advised President Bola Tinubu’s administration to ensure that the politics of the next 25 years are transformative and inclusive, saying that there must be a determined effort to dilute the politics of region and religion.
“And I know you and President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, who was a key actor in the June 12 crisis, will have the capacity to navigate through that process.
“I believe this programme and others commemorating this landmark will point the way to that glorious vision and prepare the nation for golden time centenary celebrations of enduring democracy.”
Noting that the path towards democratic consolidation has been a difficult one, he said the return of democracy in 1999, after many years of military reign, signalled a new phase in the national journey and shared vision of unity, peace and progress.
The former president added: “In the last 25 years, we have made modest progress in this regard amid some challenges. As a nation, we built an economy that was once the biggest on the African continent, experienced significant infrastructural growth, made strides in the arts and sports, and recorded many peaceful political transitions at the national and sub-national levels.
“Democracy has also brought about improved access to governance, amplified silent voices and reinforced the idea of sovereignty.
“Whenever I tune in to Nigerian TV stations, especially in the morning and see young men and women discussing and interrogating contemporary political issues and holding leaders to account, I thank God for democracy and appreciate the gains we have made over the years.
“In these 25 years, through four power transitions from one president to another, including the death of a sitting president, we have seen the gradual strengthening of our democratic institutions, the expansion of civil liberties, and the active participation of our citizenry in the political process. This progress, while commendable, also reminds us that our work is far from done.
“It is, therefore, time to make this journey seamless, through good citizenship, patriotic service as well as sacrificial and exemplary stewardship.
“We must continue to build upon the foundations laid, deepen our democratic roots, and ensure that the dividends of democracy are felt by all Nigerians, regardless of their social, economic or geographic status.”
Jonathan also called on the political class and elites to lead by example and work with unity of purpose to guarantee peace, social justice, and effective governance for Nigerian citizens.
He emphasised the need for elected representatives to reflect their roles through their lifestyles and actions.
He said: “For democracy to yield its desired dividend, we the political class and elites must lead by example and work with unity of purpose to guarantee peace and social justice for the citizens. And our lifestyle must reflect that we are elected people.

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