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Friends For Fuby Pledge Support for Fubara



A pro Governor Fubara group, Friends-of-Fuby, has called on the players in the political tension in Rivers State to exercise restrain in their actions in order not to derail the well-thought out programmes and policies of the administration.

Making the call in a statement signed by the group’s spokesman, Atonyesia Dimieari Peterside, it sued for maximum and continued support for the Governor in his drive to move the state forward.

Expressing worry over the fracas and pandemonium that ensued following attempts to commence impeachment process of the Governor, the Convener of Friends-of-Fuby, Dr Chamberlain Peterside, sued for peace amongst the respective parties and stakeholders.

He stated that the lofty projects and recent initiatives put in place aims at unlocking the huge economic potentials and boost the revenue of the State, and is enough to ganer public support to his side.

According to Dr. Peterside, who was a former Commissioner for Finance in the state, the projects and initiatives would, in the long run, create jobs and enabling environment for businesses to thrive in the state.

While calling on the people of Rivers State, especially members of the Rivers State House of Assembly, the Security and others to show restraint and unity of purpose for the benefit of Rivers State, Peterside sued for patriots at this period.

The convener reiterated the group’s untiring support for the Executive Governor of the State, Sir Siminalayi Fubara, in his continued determination to seek the collective progress of the State.


By: Kevin Nengia

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Amaewhule, 24 Others Fail To Stop Suit Challenging Their Sack



The embattled former speaker of the Rivers State House of Assembly, Hon Martin Chike Amaewhule and 24 other members of the Assembly have failed in their bid to stop the Federal High Court sitting in Port Harcourt from adjudicating on the suit seeking to sack them as members of the state House of Assembly.
The suit, which was instituted through Originating Summons by three members of Boot Party and others, is seeking, among other things, for the court to declare the seat of Amaewhule and 24 others vacant, having defected from the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) to the All Progressives Congress (APC).
At the resumption of the matter on Monday, the trial judge, Justice Stephen Daylop Pam, told counsels representing the parties in the matter that one of the parties, Martin Amaewhule had written a petition to the chief judge of the Federal High Court asking that he discontinues from hearing the matter.
Justice Daylop Pam asked the lawyers of their views on the petition written by one of the defendants, Martin Amaewhule.
Taking the lead on argument, the lawyer representing the plaintiff, Boot Party, Reuben Wanogho Esq, told the judge that the petition does not concern the court as the petitioner has not served any of the parties involved in the matter with the copy of the petition, and added that the petitioner, through his legal representation, has not filed any correspondence to the court.
He opined that in such circumstances, the law assumed that he was not before the court and urged the court to ignore such petition and go ahead with the matter on the business for the day.
In his submission, the state Attorney General and Commissioner of Justice, Mr Dagogo Israel Iboroma, SAN, told the court that he was not under any obligation to adhere to the alleged petition, and that Heavens will not fall if the court continues with the matter.
He reminded the court that the scheduled business of the day as listed in the Order Paper was for the hearing of an application seeking for joinder, and urged the court to go ahead with the matter.
In their submissions, the counsels representing Martin Amaewhule and 24 lawmakers, Mr Orbih Ferdinand, SAN, and the representative to the state PDP, Mr Joshua Musa, SAN, urged the court to wait for the response of the chief judge of the Federal High Court before continuing with the matter.
The trial judge, Justice Stephen Daylop Pam, after hearing from the counsels, ruled to continue with the matter on the ground that the petitioner has not filed anything before the court.
He later called on the PDP state representative, Mr Joshua Musa, SAN, to move his motion, which was on joinder, and legal representation.
However, the court proceedings were not without any drama, as the court was thrown into confusion on who was the right legal representative to PDP in the matter.
The PDP National Legal Adviser, Mr Kamaldeen Adeyemi Ajibade, SAN, and Mr Joshua Musa, SAN, both are laying claims to be the authentic PDP representative.
Ajibade, in moving his oral application bordering on representation, told the court that there was a recent ruling by a Federal High Court in Edo State, and urged the trial judge to leverage on the judgement to resolve the disparity over who should represent the party in the matter, and tendered a copy of the judgement as evidence.
Earlier, the court adjourned to resolve the issue bordering on non-service of court processes by the counsel representing the 25 respondents, Mr Orbih Ferdinand, SAN.
However, when the court resumed from the short adjournment, Orbih appealed for an adjournment on health ground.
The trial judge, Justice Stephen Daylop Pam, adjourned the matter to Friday, 28th of June, 2024, for motion for joinder.
Both the APC and PDP are seeking to be joined in the matter.
Speaking to journalists after the court session, the PDP National Legal Adviser, Mr Kamaldeen Adeyemi Ajibade, SAN, told Journalists that he was in court to inform the court who has the right to represent the party or assign legal representative on behalf of the party, adding that the judge will give ruling on it on the next adjourned date.
He further told Journalists that Hon Martin Amaewhule and 24 other former members of the state House of Assembly, who defected to the ruling APC, have lost their seats as they were no longer members of the party, adding that the party was taking every steps to recover the lost seats.
On the substance of the case, Ajibade said: “The substance of case…has to do with the issue of defection. Defection of some members of the Rivers State House of Assembly. You know it too well. Yes!
“There is no two ways about it: They defected. And it is the position of the party, the PDP, that they actually defected. And the PDP is taking steps to recover the seats back because they said they are members of APC now”.
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RSG Tasks NIPR To Project Rivers Good Image



The Rivers State Government has called on members of the Nigeria Institute of Public Relations (NIPR), Rivers State Chapter, to always project the image of the State in good light.
This was contained in a press release signed by the Press Secretary to the Head of Service, Dr Eric Godam, and made available to The Tide.
According to the statement, the Head of Service, Rivers State, Dr George C. Nwaeke, made the call while addressing the Executive members of the NIPR who were on a courtesy visit to his office in Port Harcourt.
Dr. Nwaeke explained that the NIPR was in a vantage position to market the image of Nigeria as a nation and Rivers State, especially, as the emerging energy hub of the country due to its long term experience in image and reputation management.
According to the Head of Service, many prevailing crisis in the world today are traceable to poor Public Relations management and urged the Institute to galvanize more effort in ensuring effective communication in the society.
He assured the readiness of the Rivers State Government to synergize with the Institute to ensure proper cadrerization of its members in the State Civil Service as ordered by the National Council on Establishment.
Dr. Nwaeke also charged the Institute to lobby the National Assembly to make laws that would ensure the eradication of quackery from the system to pave way for the engagement of professionals in Public Relations management in the country.
He, described the Institute’s visit to his office as apt, especially now that the State was battling with the opposition’s determined efforts to demarket the state.
The Head of Service further assured that the State Government was ready to partner with the Institute to ensure the workforce is trained on issues of reputation management for better service delivery.
Earlier in his address, the Chairman of NIPR, Rivers State Chapter, Reverend Francis Asuk, had thanked the HOS for hosting the Institute and congratulated him on his appointment as the Head of the Civil Service in the State.
He intimated the HOS of NIPR’s readiness to partner with the government in managing the image of the State in order to preserve its hard  earned reputation.
Rev. Asuk sought the support of the State Government in domesticating the 2023 Memo from the National Council on Establishment regarding the proper cadrerization of its members practicing Public Relations in the Civil Service.
According to him, the cadrerization will assist the Institute in driving home its efforts in combating quackery in the practice of Public Relations in the State and indeed, the nation at large.
Adding his voice to the narrative, former Chairman of the Institute and currently a Member of Council, Pastor Paulinus Nsirim, eulogized the effort of the HOS in galvanizing swift changes that have ensured good governance in the civil service in the state.
He advised the State Government to key into the domestication of the cadrerization process in order to avoid picketing from the National Council.
In her vote of thanks, the Permanent Secretary, Service Welfare, Office of the Head of Service, Dr I. Mrs Inyingi Brown, thanked the Institute for the visit.
She assured that the State Government would be ready for developmental partnership with the Institute in order to build the capacity of the state workforce.
John Bibor
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NAF Destroys 13 Illegal Refining Sites, Seven Boats In Rivers 



The Nigerian Air Force has said its operatives destroyed 13 illegal refining sites and seven Cotonou boats during an operation in Rivers State.
The service also said J-5 buses attempting to siphon suspected crude oil product from surface tanks were dispersed.
This was contained in a statement by the Director of Public Relations and Information, Nigerian Air Force, Air Vice Marshall Edward Gabkwet, yesterday.
The statement read, “Between 18-22 June 2024, the Air Component of Operation Delta Safe destroyed 13 illegal refining sites and 7 Cotonou boats as well as dispersed five J-5 buses attempting to siphon suspected crude oil products from surface tanks.
“Some of the illegal sites were discovered near Imo River on 18th June, 2024 with 7 overhead tanks, which were subsequently destroyed while several suspected bunkers were seen fleeing”.
In a separate operation conducted in Wilcourt in Rivers State, Gabkwet said an illegal site canoe filled with crude oil, and gunboats were destroyed.
He said, “Air strikes were also extended to Wilcourt in Rivers State on 19 June 2024 after an illegal site and canoe filled with illegally refined products, as well as some gunboats, were seen.
“Similarly, following Intelligence of some illegal refining sites located about 6km from Tunu in Bayelsa State, the aircrew proceeded to the location to identify and destroy the site, a task carried out with the utmost precision.
“Another significant strike undertaken by the air component was carried out on 22 June 2024, when the crew spotted five J5 buses, probably reconfigured into mini tankers, at the bank of Imo River attempting to siphon illegally refined products.
“Amazed at this change of tactics by these economic saboteurs, the crew did not hesitate to immediately destroy the illegal refining sites feeding the buses. The J5 buses were later seen dispersed with some taking cover under trees to avoid detection”.
Gabkwet, however, said improved intelligence and enhanced air-to-ground were responsible for the feats recorded against oil thieves.
He said, “Air strikes against economic saboteurs and oil thieves have continued to record the expected outcomes majorly due to improved intelligence, enhanced air-to-ground coordination, and most importantly, due to NAF’s improved agility and resilience.
“These operations will be sustained until the activities of these saboteurs are reduced to the barest minimum”.
Recall that on April 15, this year, the air component of Operation Delta Safe destroyed seven illegal refining sites at different locations in Rivers State.
A total of four boats loaded with illegally refined products heading southwards were also bombed by military aircraft deployed for the operations.
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