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Niger Delta

Diri Renews Calls For Fiscal Federalism …As Ijaws In US Honour Gov, Others



Bayelsa State Governor, Senator Douye Diri, has again called for a review of Nigeria’s revenue derivation formula in line with the practice of fiscal federalism.
Diri queried the existing practice where resource-endowed states in Nigeria, particularly in the Niger Delta, get a paltry 13 per cent as monthly allocation from their resources.
He stated that the country’s lopsided federalism practice had hindered the development of states.
The Bayelsa Chief Executive spoke on Saturday in Houston, Texas, United States of America when Ijaws in that nation and neighbouring Canada conferred on him the award of “Icon of Unity and Social Justice”.
The three-day 2024 convention was held under the auspices of the Ijaw National Congress (INC)-Americas.
Also honoured were the former Nigerian first lady, Dame Patience Jonathan, the Minister of State for Petroleum (Oil), Senator Heineken Lokpobiri, as well as renowned author and Ibenanaowei of Ekpetiama Kingdom, King BubarayeDakolo.
While receiving the award, Diri appreciated the organisers for upholding the Ijaw tradition and culture even in the diaspora.
He urged them not to allow the fire of Ijaw nationalism that has been ignited to extinguish and ensure that the annual event was sustained while promising the support of his administration.
“This annual convention offers an opportunity for Ijaws in the diaspora to continue to associate with themselves.
“I urge the INC in the Americas not to allow the Ijaw fire to be put out. My administration will support you to sustain the Ijaw culture and tradition here in the Americas”, the Governor said.
The Bayelsa number one citizen also admonished the Ijaw ethnic nationality not to get tired of its leadership role in the Niger Delta while enlisting the support of other ethnic groups in the region.
“The leadership of the Niger Delta has been with the Ijaws over the years. Now it looks like we are getting tired. But we should not. We have to continue with our leadership role while galvansing support from our neighbours and brothers in the region.
“The Niger Delta is an area that should be better than it is if we were allowed to use our resources for our development. Since I arrived this country, what crossed my mind has been how Bayelsa would be if we practised true federalism whereby we get 100 per cent of our revenue from oil and gas and not 13 per cent as it is today. Maybe we would have had one small Houston in Yenagoa”, Governor Diri added.
He insisted that it was wrong to describe Bayelsa as insolvent and unable to exist without monthly federal allocation while its resources were being expropriated to Abuja and shared to other states in the country.
“You cannot take away the resources in my state and the internally generated revenue that would have accrued to us and expropriate it in the name of Federation Account Allocation Committee (FAAC).
“Every month end, the 36 states in the country gather in Abuja to share resources accruing from my state and they still come back to insult us that our state is insolvent.
“I have never seen anywhere in the world where the essence of the FAAC is to share revenue only from oil and gas. What about the revenue from other mineral resources like gold? Why are they not also shared? This is the naked truth”, he restated.
Present at the well-attended event were President of the INC, Prof. Benjamin Okaba, one of his predecessors, Chief Joshua Fumudoh, Chairman, INC-Americas, Mr. Kenneth Anga, as well as former Managing Director of the Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC), Chief Ndutimi Alaibe, among other dignitaries.

Ariwera Ibibo-Howells, Yenagoa

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Niger Delta

Police Rescue Kidnapped Ex-Shell Worker In A’Ibom



The Police in Akwa Ibom State says it has rescued a 63-year man and retiree of Shell Petroleum Company who was recently kidnapped by unknown gunmen.
The command’s Spokesperson, ASP Timfon John, disclosed this in a statement on Monday in Uyo, the State capital.
John said the victim, who was abducted on June 17 and held hostage by his abductors, was rescued unhurt in a compound at Ikot Udobong Village in Etim Ekpo.
She said the rescue followed reliable intelligence information which prompted the Command to swing into action.
According to her, the kidnappers engaged the police rescue team in a gun duel in the process of rescuing the victim.
“Upon sighting the police, the kidnappers opened fire at them, one of the kidnappers was fatally wounded in the process while the others fled”, she said.
The police spokesperson said the  Commissioner of Police in Akwa Ibom State, Mr Waheed Ayilara, had ordered the command’s SWAT operatives to immediately swing into action.
”Efforts are seriously ongoing to arrest the fleeing members of the gang for possible prosecution”, she said.
John further said that preliminary investigations revealed that the kidnappers had initially demanded N50 million as ransom for the release of their captive.
“They later agreed to take N20 million, but I tell you on good authority that no ransom was paid as at the time of the rescue.
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Niger Delta

Delta C’ttee Takes Drug Abuse Sensitisation To Streets



As part of activities to mark the 2024 International Day Against Drug Abuse, the Delta State State Drug Control Committee on Monday took sensitisation campaign to streets of Asaba on dangers of drug abuse.
Members of the committee, drawn from the State Ministries of Health, Education, Justice, as well as representatives of the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA), the Police, amongst others, converged at the Oshimili South Arcade from where they walked through some streets of Asaba.
Mrs Helen Orie, the Chairperson of the committee and Director, Pharmaceutical Services, State Ministry of Health, who led the campaign/road walk, said drug abuse was on the increase and needed to be curbed before it got worse.
Orie, speaking on the theme for the 2024 celebration: “Say No To Drug Abuse”, noted that drug abuse always had devastating effects on individuals involved, the family setting and society at large.
Orie, a Pharmacist, explained that the fight against drug abuse was in two dimensions; supply reduction, being championed at the Federal level and demand reduction, being handled by the Drug Control Committee at the state level.
She said the committee, with the support of the State Government, had recorded some successes in the prevention and control of drug abuse in the state.
According to her, we have taken sensitisation campaigns to public places, including places of worship, markets, schools and communities with significant impacts.
“Today’s sensitisation/road walk is meant to further create more awareness on the need for a drug-free society”, she said.
Orie commended Governor Sheriff Oborevwori for his support toward the campaign against drug abuse in the state.
Also speaking, the Assistant State Commander, Drug Demand Reduction, NDLEA, Delta Command, Silas Omobude, said 14.4 million Nigerians, aged between 18 and 29, were involved in drug abuse and trafficking.
Omobude, who is also the State Secretary of the committee, said fighting the drug war was a Herculean task which required the collective effort of all critical stakeholders.
He noted that the State Government had reasonably supported the  committee to record some breakthroughs.
On his part, the Chairman, Actors Guild of Nigeria, Delta State Chapter, Mr Emmanuel Onyemeziem, debunked insinuations that the Nigerian movie industry had contributed to societal ills, including drug abuse.
Onyemeziem said the guild was in partnership with the NDLEA and the Delta State Government in the war against drug abuse, and urged youths to say no to drug abuse and embrace meaningful ventures.
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Niger Delta

A’Ibom Urges Farmers To Adopt Good Agronomic Practices



Akwa Ibom State Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development, Dr Offiong Offor, has urged cocoa farmers in the state to adopt good agronomic practices in order to ensure improved yields.
Offor gave the advice on Monday at Odoro Ikpe, Ini Local Government Area, during the distribution of cocoa seedlings to farmers to mark the beginning of the 2024 cocoa planting season.
She disclosed that the State Government had made available over 150,000 cocoa seedlings to be distributed to cocoa farmers across the state.
The Commissioner said the distribution of the cocoa seedlings to farmers signaled a significant step to increased cocoa production and improvement of livelihoods.
“We know the current price of 1kg of cocoa in the market, it is very expensive. So, it is a wake-up call by Governor Umo Eno for all to return to the farm.
“When you receive the cocoa seedlings, make the best use of them. Do well to maintain good agronomic practices, to reap bountiful harvests.
“This year, we have provided over 150,000 cocoa seedlings to be distributed to cocoa farmers in the state. I implore you to make good use of the seedlings”, Offor said.
The Commissioner called on cocoa farmers to notify extension agents in the ministry early if they were confronted with of any challenge
In his remarks, the State Chairman, Cocoa Farmers Association of Nigeria, Mr Ekikere Bassey, said it was expedient for agriculture stakeholders to support the cultivation of cocoa to improve the economy of the state.
He said cocoa farming was a lucrative agribusiness, and urged farmers to show interest in the cultivation of the cash crop.
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