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Birth Of Nigeria’s Oil State: Dreamers And  Influencers



Rivers State was created on May 27, 1967, following the promulgation of Decree 14 by the then Head of State, General Yakubu Gowon (rtd) who thought it wise to accede to the request of the founding fathers of the oil-rich state after a protracted agitation that caused them pain, blood and tears.
Rivers State which could pass as the “Venice” of Nigeria is situated in the Southern part of the country and proudly owned by the people of Ikwerre, Emohua, Port Harcourt, Obio/Akpor, Khana, Gokana, Tai, Eleme, Degema, Asari-Toru, Akuku- Toru, Bonny, Opobo, Andoni, Ogba/Egbema/Ndoni, Abua-Odual, Ahaoda East, Ahaoda West, Etche, Omuma, Okrika, Ogu/Bolo and Oyigbo.
Named after many rivers that border its territory, Rivers State was part of the Oil Rivers Protectorate from 1885 to 1893 when it became part of the Niger Coast Protectorate. In 1900, the region was merged with the chartered territories of the Royal Niger Company to form the Colony of Southern Nigeria.
In the early days of colonialism in Nigeria, several protection treaties were signed between the British imperialists and the indigenous communities. Between 1941 and 1952, the agitation for the creation of Rivers province began with the formation of the Ijaw Rivers People’s League. In 1953, the Council of Rivers Chiefs was birthed as a replacement for the League. The Council of Rivers Chiefs was later renamed in 1954 as Rivers Chiefs and People’s Congress, and in 1956, the organisation became known as Rivers Chiefs and People’s Conference. Until 1958, hopes of an independent state resonated in the region and lingered continuously in the minds of the natives.
According to Professor Claude Ake, the events of 1953 and 1954 gave vent to minority struggles in Nigeria. From that moment the minority ethnic groups in Nigeria, especially in the Niger Delta of Eastern region and the Middle Belt began to demand vehemently for a state of their own.
There was also the agitation for the Calabar-Ogoja- Rivers (COR) State which enjoyed the backing of Action Group (AG) led by Chief Obafemi Awolowo following the dramatic return of Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe to the East to displace Professor Eyo Ita who was to become the premier of the region. The overbearing demeanour and indiscretion exhibited by Dr. Azikiwe generated anger and heightened the apprehension among the minorities in the Eastern region.
Thereafter, the British Colonial government set up a commission led by Sir Henry Willink to look into the misgivings of these autochthons. At the end of its assignments the commission came up with a report that highlighted the fears of the minority groups of the Eastern region and identified them as very distinct with a different culture from the dominant Igbo group.
The report proposed an “Area for a Rivers State to be comprised of the whole of the Rivers province which will include the Divisions of Brass, Degema, Ogoni, Port Harcourt and Ahaoda together with the Western Ijaw Division from the Western Region and two small sections in Eastern Region from outside the Rivers province, Opobo and Andoni being one, Ndoki the other”.
The Willink Commission also identified the conception of the Niger Delta Development Board (NDDB). The purpose was to tackle the problems of under-development, but the NDDB could not meet the expectations of the people of the Niger Delta.
It is pertinent to note that the Rivers Chiefs and People’s Conference of 1956 served as the umbrella body for all the political parties and ethnic configurations that clamoured for the creation of Rivers State.
One of the earlier movements for the creation of Rivers State was the Niger Delta Congress led by the duo of Chiefs Melford Okilo and Harold Dappa Biriye and ably supported by the Northern People’s Congress.
At the time of the initial struggle, the Rivers people made several petitions and demands for state creation, but they were all rejected on the floor of the Federal Parliament. The reason given was that it was not viable to create Rivers State in spite of its abundant resources and the commercial activities that were going on in the area. Okilo who was then the Parliamentary Secretary to Prime Minister Tafawa Belewa wept openly when those decisions were taken.
After much discontent, some ebullient youths-cum-activists decided to take drastic measures to achieve their goals. Therefore, in February 1966, some University undergraduates who saw themselves as freedom fighters took the bull by the horn and declared the Niger Delta Republic. The rebellion which lasted for 12 days was orchestrated by Isaac Adaka Boro in conjunction with Sam Owonari, Nottingham Dick, Nyanyo and Okumaye. The young men were arrested and charged with treason for taking up arms against the Federal Military Government. There is no gainsaying the fact that the rebellion helped in drawing the attention of the authorities to attend to the issue of state creation for Rivers people.
Leveraging the dissatisfaction of the minority groups in the Eastern region, coupled with the fact that oil had been discovered at Olobiri (in the present Bayelsa State which was carved out of Rivers State in 1996), General Yakubu Gowon in a tactical move divided the East into three states to prevent Lt. Col. Chukwuemeka Ojukwu from spreading his administrative tentacles into the oil-rich Rivers State that was created three days to the Nigerian civil war.
The five Rivers sons who signed the final memorandum that was submitted to the Federal Military Government for the creation of the state were Dr. I.J. Fiberesima for Degema Divison, Hon. Nwobidike Nwonodi for Ahaoda and Port Harcourt Divisions, Chief E.N. Kobani for Ogoni Division, R.P.G Okara for Brass Division and Chief G.B.C. Otoko for Adoni and Opobo Division.
However, there were other Rivers sons who canvassed and contributed to the content of the memorandum for the creation of the state. Among whom were Chief Harold Dappa-Biriye, Chief Emmanuel Oriji, Chief Wenike Briggs and Prince E.N.B Opurum as he then was.
Worthy of mention was the invaluable contribution of the Chiefs and People’s of Rivers State to the struggle. Chief P.G Warmate was a prominent member of this forum that provided the wherewithal for the representation of Rivers people at the Constitutional Conference in London in 1957. The agitation for the creation of Rivers State had taken different phases with so many people from every part of the state contributing in one way or the other to the birth of the golden goose which the state has become to the Nigerian nation.
Lt. Cmdr. Alfred Papapreye Diete-Spiff was appointed the First Military Governor of Rivers State, but because of the Nigerian civil war that broke out few days after his appointment he administered the state from No.24 Queen Drive, Ikoyi, Lagos State, until the 1st of September, 1968, when he took up office in Port Harcourt, the capital of Rivers State.
Lt. Cmdr. Diete-Spiff knew what was expected of him by his people and addressed his mind to the infrastructure development of the state as well as the socio-economic growth of the people. The young military governor with the assistance of some seasoned administrators and technocrats who were members of his cabinet came up with a Master Plan for the state and executed ambitious projects that made the state the envy of other sections of the country.
The Diete-Spiff administration built the best secretariat complex, two 5-star hotels, Catering Rest Houses in all the local government areas, primary and secondary schools, tertiary institutions, canals in the riverine area, good road network, 30- bed hospitals in all the local government headquarters, etc.
He also gave scholarships to Rivers indigenes for higher education and vocational training in Nigeria and abroad to provide the requisite manpower for the nascent state. Having laid a solid foundation for the growth and development of a city-state, it was easy for his successors to hit the ground running by improving on his legacies.
Ironically, the Rivers State that was dismissed as not viable has become the goose that lays the golden egg, providing almost 70 percent of Nigeria’s income. A state that was created shortly before the civil war is the hub of oil and gas and the second largest economy in Nigeria after Lagos.
Unfortunately, the wealth enjoyed by the whole country is yet to be beneficially applied to the people of the state. The development of Rivers State requires a lot of money which is beyond the financial projection of the state government. Lagos Island, Victoria, Apapa are all Islands connected to Ikeja, the Lagos State capital, in the mainland with the resources from the Niger Delta states. The Federal Government should be fair enough by replicating what was done in Lagos in Rivers State.
As we celebrate the 57th anniversary of the creation of Rivers State, we should reflect on the goals and aspirations of the founding fathers and plan for the future as a united people with one destiny
There is need for ethnic groups irrespective of size and tongue to close ranks and see themselves as equal stakeholders in the affairs of the state. They fought together for their emancipation and attained the dream of a multi-ethnic state without dominant power.
Today, no ethnic group on its own can form a government or impose a government on the people. Rivers State is a microcosm of the Nigerian state whose strength is drawn from its diversity. Therefore, the new generation of the youths should share and sustain the vision of the founding fathers by emphasizing on those ideals that have kept them together. Evidently, that widely acclaimed Rivers spirit of love and commitment to self-less service has waned significantly, leaving in about its stead, threat to public peace activated by political greed, selfishness and unguarded quest for personal and sectional aggrandisement.
Therefore, the political class in Rivers State should remind themselves that it took selfless services, personal denials and unrelenting activism from the founding fathers and other well-meaning Nigerians to have a state that they can now call their own.
They should embrace peace and seek lawful means to address all grievances and disagreements, because strife and aggressive engagements will only destroy the time-endured bonds of togetherness that have bound them for years.
The founding fathers’ relentless struggle to question the imbalance and injustice of the Nigerian federation remains the philosophy behind the creation of the state. Their mission and vision were to ensure that Rivers State was given its pride of place in the geo-political entity called Nigeria. The question till date, however, remains whether their aspirations and goals have been achieved or not.
Fortunately, the current Governor of Rivers State, Sir Siminalayi Fubara, is a man who has drunk from the fountain of wisdom of the founding fathers of the state. Barely one year in office, he has shown understanding, capacity and courage in addressing the issues of development and governance to the admiration of the overwhelming majority of Rivers people. Clearly, he has maintained a governance structure that is all-inclusive and also ensured that all sections of the state are carried along in every sphere of development.
Governor Siminalayi Fubara is obviously playing his part in line with the vision of the founding fathers of the state. However, more needs be done. With the right atmosphere of peace and cooperation of all sections of the state, the present administration will certainly finish strong.
It behoves the new generation of youths to re-enact the feat of the founding fathers and successive administrations by working hard to take Rivers State to greater heights.
Finally, we salute the founding fathers, Ieaders of thought, traditional rulers, politicians, civil servants, civil society groups and men of goodwill that identified with the struggle that birthed the premier oil and gas State in Nigeria. Well done!

Reward Akwu

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Rivers Political Crisis And Fubara’s Quiet Revolution



Once upon a time, they were friends and political associates. They were inseparable.The camaraderie was unprecedented. The smiles. The back-slapping.The clinking of glasses.The political victory celebrations.The warm embrace.The mutual respect and love for each other. Then, the slavish obeisance.It was unparalleled.One called the other, my Oga. It was truly so. But all that is gone with the wind.The game of politics is an intriguing thing.One can not predict what happens the next moment. Friends today, enemies or political foes tomorrow. So it is with Chief Nyesom Wike. So it is with Governor Siminalayi Fubara.So it is with several others. But in politics, there is no permanent friend and no permanent enemy.What is permanent is interest.
Interestingly, what appears to be permanent in the feud between Wike and Governor Fubara is the interest of the people. The interest of the deprived people of Rivers State and the interest of the down-trodden. Governor Fubara is proving it on a daily basis.His administration is proving it too.Through the body language of the governor, through his actions and utterances.Smiles are appearing on the faces of the people again, after a very long time.And what they are seeing and feeling is the quiet revolution of a man who has come to serve, a leader who is selfless, who thinks less of himself but thinks more of what would better the lives of the people.
This could be seen through the kind of policies and programmes his administration is pursuing.The policies and programmes are favourable to the people.They do not hurt them, nor make tears to drop on their cheeks.They do not cause them immeasurable pains, inflicted on them by sadistic arrogance.
Governor Siminalayi Fubara, a Knight of Saint Christopher is calm, quiet, urbane, refined, intelligent and calculative; he is not given to too much noise-making; nor sounding his trumpet. The lofty achievements of his administration within the past one year in office are not given undue undulation through unnecessary media hypes. His calm and quiet demeanor is in tandem with the quiet revolution his administration is taking the State through in spite of the massive distractions being orchestrated by political detractors and cynics to make his government fail.
He has shown through words and actions that he is a true man of peace; a man imbued with uncommon wisdom and passion to change the ugly narrative of his people.He speaks truth to his contemporaries and members of his political class, without blushing, without batting an eyelid.
Besides, Governor Fubara is truly showing that he is human-centric.The policies and programmes of his administration are centred on the people. Projects being delivered are people-oriented. Gradually, the man being perceived by opponents as a political neophyte and politically naive is making his marks in governance, and has warmed himself into the hearts of his people.He is today, the man of the people; the man of the moment; and a political phenomenon.
Governor Fubara truly enjoys organic support across the length and breadth of Rivers State.His support base cuts across party affiliation.It cuts across the political spectrum of the State and swells by the day.Members of other political parties in the State are happy and appreciative of his administration.The policies and programmes of his administration sit well with them.They support him because of his selfless disposition to governance, his political carriage and mien. His peaceful disposition has also endeared him to them.Fubara is a leader who does not discriminate against the people because of their social class, ethnicity, tribe, religion and any other primordial sentiments.
His political structure, the Simplified Movement is sweeping across the State like a volcano.Everyday, it wins more supporters to the Governor’s camp. From every indication, this great Ibani son of Ijaw ethnic extraction is averse to greed, crass selfishness and primitive accumulation of wealth, at the expense of the people. That is why the people are falling over heels for him.
The true Siminalayi Fubara persona manifested itself on October 4, 2023, when some lawmakers loyal to Chief Wike reportedly attempted to impeach him.The Governor apparently mounted the soap box, as if he was campaigning to be elected again, and told the whole world that the move to impeach him was unwarranted and uncalled for, since he had committed no impeachable offence, to warrant that.And this won him accolades, goodwill, sympathy, empathy and more support from the distraught people of the State and others. That was the beginning of the political crisis currently rocking the State.That was the first time that the world came to the realisation that all was not well between the political godfather and his political godson. For the first time, the world also saw Fubara as a man that was being intimidated, bamboozled, arm-twisted, oppressed and suppressed by the godfather, for whatever reason. The irony of it all is that while the Governor’s support base continued to grow in leaps and bounds, those fighting him shut their eyes to this reality.They saw the support the Governor has continued to enjoy through an ethnic concave, gave it an ethnic political colouration and took it for granted. So, they continued to dig in, deeper and deeper, with the hope of throwing the State into serious political turmoil.
Before you knew it, the political fight between the godfather and the godson took the turn for the worst, as the smooth operations of government in the State were seemingly paralysed.Cracks emerged here and there.Commissioners loyal to Chief Wike started leaving in droves.The Rivers State House of Assembly was massively polarised.In the face of all these, Governor Fubara kept his cool and maintained his composure.He tried by all means to secure a rapprochment and settlement without success.Even in the face of immense pressure and distractions, he concentrated on governance.
When it was time to broker peace and secure a truce, Governor Fubara obliged President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, who had intervened in order to simmer down the political imbroglio.First, he impressed it upon Rt Hon Edison Ehie, who had emerged the new Speaker of the House to step down.Then, he re-absorbed into his cabinet the nine Commissioners who had earlier voluntarily resigned their positions.The withheld allowances and entitlements of the lawmakers loyal to Wike were released.The Governor did several other things to appease those apparently aggrieved who were fighting him.All to no avail.
Apparently with the connivance of the Minister of the Federal Capital Territory, the lawmakers continued to give Governor Fubara hell and vowed to make the State ungovernable.It is unfortunate that they never appreciated and reciprocated the Governor’s humane gestures by giving peace a chance.They rather kept on asking for more like the proverbial Oliver Twist, without giving back anything or conceding any ground in return.This is even when it was glaring that their positions as lawmakers were shaky and precarious, following their defections from the ruling Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) to the All Progressives Congress (APC).
The truth remains that the lawmakers led by Martin Amaewhule had continued to make the State ungovernable through their pre-meditated actions of openly daring an elected Governor, who is empowered and emboldened by the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
The moves by the lawmakers to override the Governor’s veto, on several occasions, and also threatened to impeach him for the second time, which were also unwarranted and senseless,were the last straws that broke the camel’s back, and put paid to efforts to amicably resolve the political crisis rocking the State.
Little wonder, the Governor had to storm the House of Assembly quarters, where the lawmakers normally congregated, to perfect their perfidious plots.Thus, the relocation of the State House of Assembly to Government House, through an Executive Order was expected, to douse political tension in the State.The House had earlier elected a new Speaker to replace Ehie, the Chief of Staff, Government House, in the person of Rt Hon Victor Oko-Jumbo.
To keep the wheel of governance running, a new Attorney General of the State and Commissioner for Justice, Dagogo Israel Iboroma(SAN) and additional eight new Commissioners were cleared by the Assembly and sworn in by Governor Fubara.
To further confound his political opponents and critics, the state government under the watch of Governor Fubara has continued to roll out the drums in celebration of its one year in office. The celebration has been very remarkable because in spite of massive distractions dogging his path and government, orchestrated by opponents and cynics, Governor Fubara has kept faith with his avowed determination to give the people the best by commissioning and flagging off monumental projects. Through the quiet revolution of his administration, he is rewriting the ugly narrative of the State in all aspects of life.Promotions of civil and public servants including those in local government councils have been accomplished. Low cost houses are springing up.The Songhai Farm is receiving attention. Business people and entrepreneurs are being supported and empowered through the disbursement of soft loans.A whopping sum of N4billion has already been channeled towards this direction. Lots more are happening behind the cameras and kleigh lights.
It was truly a sight to behold, when recently, the Governor of Abia State, Dr Alex Otti, stormed Rivers State and commissioned the Aleto-Ebubu-Ogale-Eteo Road project. This is instructive because Governor Otti is a member of the Labour Party(LP) while Governor Fubara is a member of the PDP. This is a way of building bridges across party lines.It is what Nigeria needs today.Besides, going by media reports, the Abia State Governor is also performing excellently in office.
The commissioning of the Andoni Section of the Ogoni-Andoni-Opobo Unity Road project, whose construction had lingered for 24 years, by Governor Fubara himself, is the icing on the cake, as it is expected to serve as a great relief to the inhabitants of that area.The Emohua-Kalabari Road project, , the flag-off of the N225billion 12.5kilometre Trans-Kalabari Road project by former President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan is a clear demonstration of a government in action. It is expected to link riverine communities in Kalabari Kingdom to the upland. Governor Sheriff Oborevwori of Delta State was also in Rivers State and commissioned the Egbeda internal roads, while the Elele-Egbeda-Omoku Road project was flagged off by Senator John Azuta Mbata.
And to crown it all, former Governor of the State, Dr Peter Odili also commissioned, with pomp and pageantry the Omoku-Egbema Road project.
The phase 1 of the Port Harcourt Electrical Village has been commissioned. The phase 2 of the project has equally been flagged off.Also flagged off is the Okania-Ogbogoro Road project while the phase 2 of the massive Trans-Kalabari Road project is expected to be flagged off on May 30, 2024.The one year in office celebration of the Fubara administration is a harvest of projects. The massive signature project of this administration, the Port Harcourt Ring Road is progressing steadily.
It is also instructive that the Fubara administration, for the first time in several years, successfully organised the Rivers State Economic Investment Summit, under the chairmanship of Donald Duke, former Governor of Cross River State, with other top experts and professionals in attendance.The administration has equally launched a Youth Development Programme. All these are intended to reposition the State and the people, to make them socio-economically relevant and competitive in the comity of States.
From every indication, the Fubara administration’s quiet revolution is geared towards transforming the socio-economic landscape of the State. With the transformation milestones and achievements recorded within the past one year, in spite of distractions, it is deliberately putting in place massive and unprecedented infrastructure that would shape the complexion of the State in the nearest future. By this token, Governor Fubara is taking the battle for the soul of the State to the turf of his political opponents and critics who never gave him a chance. But then, the people and the State are the ultimate beneficiaries.The governor is surely writing his name in gold and etching it on the sands of time with the quiet revolution of his administration.

Donatus Ebi

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Special Edition

Rivers Governors And Development Footprints



Rivers State was created on May 27, 1967, following the promulgation of Decree 14 by the then Head of State, General Yakubu Gowon (rtd) who acceded to the request by the founding fathers of the oil-rich State after a protracted agitation that caused them pain, blood and tears.
It is one of the 36 states and the Federal Capital Territory that make up the country, Nigeria, which is the biggest concentration of the black race.
The State which is located in the Niger Delta region of the country, sits on a total area of 21,850 square kilometers with a landmass of approximately 4, 277 square miles.
Rivers State is blessed with enormous human and natural resources, including fertile soil, solid minerals, and an extensive coastline with great water bodies. The state is the hub of oil and gas in West Africa and accounts for over 40% of crude oil production onshore in the country as well as100% of liquefied gas that the country exports.
Rivers State also is the second largest economy in Nigeria, and with a nominal GDP of over $28.4bn, and the economy ranks in the top 25 economies in Africa comparable to countries like Botswana, Rwanda, and Gabon.
The State has a relatively robust infrastructure, including good roads, two seaports, an international airport, and a free trade zone. With a population of over seven million indigenously diverse, educated, highly hospitable people, and a business-friendly environment, it stands at the centre of diverse economic opportunities.
“With over 40% of fertile cultivable landmass, Rivers State has the potential to make a significant contribution to national food security with commercial investments in mechanized agriculture and the agro-processing industrial value chains.
Obviously, it is one of the most populous state and the second largest economy in Nigeria after Lagos State.
Currenly, the state is headed by Governor Siminalayi Joseph Fubara, who is the 17th Chief Executive to pilot its affairs. Clearly, the state has achieved different levels of development under different administrations, but it is left for developmental experts to make critical assessment of their performance, taking into cognizance the peculiarities and challenges of individual government.
From May, 1967 to October, 1996, when Bayelsa State was carved out from Rivers State, there were ten administrations, out of which eight were military and two civilian. The administrations were headed by three indigenes and seven non-indigenes.
With the creation of Bayelsa State on October 1, 1996, Rivers State has had seven administrations, out of which two were military and five civilian. It is pertinent to note that since the return of democratic system of government on May 29, 1999, four civilian administrations in Rivers State have had uninterrupted governance, which has impacted positively on their performance.
The first to govern the oil-rich state was Lt. Commander Alfred Papapreye Diete-Spiff. He ran the affairs of the state from May 28, 1967 to July, 1975. Upon his swearing-in, Lt. Commander Diete-Spiff could not come to Rivers State to assume office immediately as Port Harcourt, the state capital, was one of the flash points of the Nigerian civil war. He was running his government from Lagos until September, 1968, when he eventually moved over to Port Harcourt to commence proper governance of the state.
With a devastated economy and near absence of infrastructure, he prioritized infrastructural, economic and human capital development that would be suitable for translating policies into action. He placed a premium on education, allocating 40 percent of the recurrent expenditure of his first budget to the sector.
The administration took over existing schools, including the ones owned by missionaries and voluntary agencies through Edict Numbers 10 and 14 of 1971. He established Advanced Teachers’ Training College in 1971 which later metamorphosed into Rivers State College of Education.
He established College of Science and Technology in Port Harcourt to provide the middle level manpower in science and engineering for the young state.
The government also founded Rivers State School of Basic Studies as well as School of Nursing and College of Health Technology. It awarded scholarships to deserving Rivers sons and daughters to facilitate their educational pursuits in various parts of the world.
The military governor had explained in his first budget speech that the education policy of his administration was aimed at remedying “as early as possible, the neglect which our people have suffered in the field of education and ensuring in the foreseeable future that the youth of the state will take their place in the scheme in Nigeria”.
In the area of job creation, the Diete-Spiff administration set up state-owned companies such as West African Glass Industry, Pabod Breweries Company Limited, Rivers State Vegetable Oil Company (RIVOC), Risonpalm, Superbod Stores, Pabod Finance and Investment, Eastern Wrought Iron Industries Limited, Water Glass Boatyard, Amalgamated Distilleries Limited, Olympia Hotel, Pan African Bank and RivBank Insurance.
Lt. Commander Diete-Spiff also realized the importance of the media as an instrument of development and established Rivers State Newspaper Corporation, AM station of Radio Rivers and SSB radio in all the Divisional Headquarters of the state.
The Rivers State Secretariat complex is another structure that is worthy of mention. The Secretariat complex was built for the comfort of civil servants who play a vital role in the execution of government policies and programme. It is one of the largest, tallest and finest Secretariat complex in the country.
The government built the Civic Center, the Isaka Holiday Resort, Cathering Guest Houses in various parts of the state and established Zoological Botanical Gardens at Trains Amadi, in Port Harcourt.
In fact, The Diete-Spiff administration laid a solid foundation that will continue to inspire successive administrations in the state.
Colonel (later Major General) Zamani Lekwot who hails from Kaduna State was the next to govern Rivers State from July, 1975 to July, 1978. What he did mainly was to continue with some of the projects initiated by the Diete-Spiff administration which were at different levels of completion. Some of the projects were Liberation Stadium and Rivers State Liaison Office in Lagos.
Lekwot would also be remembered for the electrification of Bonny Township as well as the construction of Choba bridge.
With the assassination of General Murtala Mohammed in a failed coup d’état that brought General Olusegun Obasanjo to power as a military Head of State, Navy Commander (later Rear Admiral) Suleiman Saidu, from Kaduna State, became Military Administrator of Rivers State from July, 1978 to October, 1979.
Although his tenure was brief, he was able to complete some of the projects he inherited from his predecessors such as the new wing of Hotel Presidential, the Port Harcourt International Airport and some units of the State Secretariat complex.
He also built a number of schools, health centres, jetties and roads.
Following the return of democratic rule in 1979, Chief Melford Obiene Okilo, an indigene of Emakalakala, Ogbia, in the present Bayelsa State, was sworn in as the first civilian governor of old Rivers State. He governed the state from October 1, 1979 to December 31, 1983.
His administration was known for “Decentralization Policy”. The Okilo administration created 50 development units to bring government closer to rural communities.
The government also built housing and industrial estates at Ahoada and Isiokpo as well as 300 Housing units across the state to bridge the gap in housing deficit. The popular Elekahia Housing Estate and the Presidential Estate were also built by the Okilo administration.
The government was equally known for the canalisation, shore protection and land reclamation projects it executed in Opobo, Nembe, Borokiri and Kalabari areas of the state for development purposes.
Education was a major policy thrust of the Okilo administration. Consequently, the College of Science and Technology was converted to premier University of Science and Technology in the country in 1980, while Rivers College of Education was upgraded to a degree-awarding institution. The government went further to establish a reasonable number of primary and secondary schools in many communities across the state to strengthen the educational chain.
Again, the Okilo government was the first to build an independent power plant in Southern Nigeria. The Koko Creek Gas Turbine, which was located at Imiringi, supplied electricity to the present Bayelsa State and parts of Abual/Odual Local Government Area of Rivers State.
The Okilo administration was truncated as result of a military coup on October 31, 1983. Then, Commissioner of Police (later Deputy Inspector-General of Police) Fidelis Oyakhilome took over the reins of power in Rivers State from January 1, 1984 to August 28, 1986. The Police Officer who hails from Ewu, in Esan Central Local Government of Edo State was preoccupied with the agricultural potential of the state.
Consequently, he launched the School-to-Land Programme, aimed at encouraging young school leavers to tap into agriculture for their personal gains and the state in general. He also initiated Community Block Farming scheme as well as Skills Acquisition Programme in the state.
In education sector, he signed the Edict establishing the Rivers State School of Basic Studies, which was later renamed as Rivers State College of Arts and Science, and currently Captain Elechi Amadi Polytechnic, Rumuola.
The Oyakhilome administration was also known for its commitment to the restoration of Port Harcourt to its Garden City status with the introduction of weekly/monthly environmental sanitation exercise in the state.
Col. (later Brigadier-General) Anthony Ukpo, a native of Okpoma, in Local Government Area of Cross Rivers State, was at the helm of affairs in Rivers State, from August, 1986 to July, 1988. His administration approached development by transforming rural communities into semi-urban centres with equitable distribution of infrastructural facilities to all the geographical components of the state.
On assumption of office, Col. Ukpo had embarked on three-day tour of each of the Local Government Areas of the State to interface with the people, which resulted in the launch of Rivers State Accelerated Integrated Rural Development Programme (RAIRDEP) at Krakrama, in Degema Local Government Area, in December, 1986.
The Ukpo administration also inaugurated the Provisional Council of Rivers State Polytechnic (now Ken Beeson Sara-Wiwa Polytechnic), and completed the Mile One flyover bridge.
Other projects were the upgrading of Braithwaite Memorial Hospital to General Hospital and the construction of Ndoki Waterside Housing Estate as well as the expansion of Aggrey Road.
Group Captain Ernest Adeleye, who hails from Ekiti State, was the next governor of Rivers State from July 1988 to August 1990. The Adeleye administration introduced the “Flying Doctor Scheme”, which brought medical services to the door-steps of rural dwellers.
Following the introduction of the scheme, some communities in Bonny, Sagbama and Brass Local Government Areas that were inaccessible by road were given attention as over 800 children were immunized against common diseases.
Adeleye also signed the Edict establishing Rivers State Polytechnic, Bori, in March, 1990, and constructed Marine Base Housing Estate.
Adeleye was succeeded by Colonel (later Major-General) Godwin Abbe from August, 1990 to January, 1992. Abbe who hails from Edo State would be remembered for the construction Government House Auditorium, Green Verge Housing Estate, Aggrey Road Waterfront Housing Estate as well as the expansion of Ikwerre Road.
Following the governorship election that was organized by President Ibrahim Babangida-led military government, Chief Rufus Ada-George took over as the second civilian governor of Rivers State from January, 1990 to November, 1993.
The Ada-George administration embarked on numerous road projects that linked Port Harcourt metropolis to adjoining communities. He initiated the construction of the popular Ada-George road, Peter Odili road, Woji-Okujagu road, Eastern Bypass, NTA-Airport road, among others.
The civilian administration was truncated as a result of the uprising that trailed the annulment of the June 12, 1993 Presidential election which was widely believed to have been won by Late Moshood Kashimawo Olawale Abiola of the Social Democratic Party (SDP).
Consequently, Late General Sani Abacha took over as the new Head of State and dismantled all the democratic institutions put in place by General Babangida government who stepped aside in the wake of the June 12 crisis and installed an interim government led by Late Chief Ernest Shonekan.
Between December, 1993 and August 1996, Lt. Col. Dauda Musa Komo, from Zuru Local Government Area of Kebbi State, was in charge of Rivers State as a Military Administrator. He executed a number of road projects such as the reconstruction of Government House Drive, Trans-Amadi Layout, Olu-Obasanjo and Sani Abacha roads.
The Komo administration initiated the construction of the one-lane Kaduna and Rumuola flyover bridges and also embarked on rural electrification project by providing generators for some communities in the state.
Another project that was undertaken by this administration was the neighborhood water scheme. Boreholes were sunk in some communities in the state to provide drinking water for the people.
From August, 1996 to August, 1998, Col. Musa Shehu, from Waruno Local Government Area of Sokoto State, was the Military Administrator of Rivers State.
His administration built the Obi Wali Integrated Culture Centre, Governor’s Lodge and Liaison Office in Abuja and rehabilitated some roads as well as health facilities in the state.
The tourism sector was also given a boost during the Shehu administration as the 1998 edition of the cultural fiesta, RIVIFEST, was organized in grand style.
Group Captain Sam Ewang, who hails from neighbouring Akwa Ibom State, took over the mantle of leadership in Rivers State from August, 1998 to May, 1999. He was the last Military Administrator of the State.
The Ewang administration built 500 detached housing units at Igbo-Etche and paid the West African Examination Council (WAEC) fees for all secondary school students of Rivers origin.
The government also repurchased the Pan African Bank headquarters building in Port Harcourt that was sold to private investors.
Following the return of democratic governance in Nigeria, Dr. Peter Odili emerged and was sworn in as the third civilian governor of Rivers State. He governed the state from May 29, 1999 to May 28, 2007.
His administration made tremendous impacts on various facets of development. One of the greatest achievements of that administration was the building of four new power plants at Omoku, Eleme, Afam and Trans-Amadi, which had a power-generating capacity of 381 megawatts.
He introduced free education at primary and secondary levels, increase bursary to Rivers students in tertiary institutions by 400 percent. He also introduced free healthcare for children under six years and elders above sixty years of age.
The government would be remembered for the building of the new Government House, Rivers State House of Assembly complex and Rivers State High Court complex.
The government also embarked on numerous road projects across the state, but the most ambitious of all was the commencement of the Unity Road linking Ogoni, Andoni and Opobo. Successive administrations contributed immensely to the completion of the project.
The Odili administration constructed the two bridges at Woji and Elelenwo as well as the Air Force flyover bridge. Also, the government built housing units for civil servants at Aggrey Road, Creek Road and Iriebe.
Sir Celestine Omehia took over as the helmsman from May 29, 2007 to October 25, 2007. Although his government lasted for five months, he was able to commence work on a number of projects such a as Mile One Market (Phase 1), Eliozu flyover bridge, Eleme interchange and a Shopping Mall.
According to the Supreme Court judgement that removed Omehia from office, he was never governor in the eyes of law.
Following his victory at Supreme Court, Rt. Hon. Chibuike Rotimi Amaechi piloted the affairs of the State from October 26, 2007 to May 28, 2015. His administration recorded a lot of milestones in various sectors.
The government would be remembered mainly for restoring peace in Rivers State following the prolonged militancy and cult-war that held the state down. With the permission of the Late President Umaru Musa Yar’Adua, the Amaechi administration had a special Israeli-trained squad of 200 policemen under the code name “C4i” that monitored criminal elements in state with special equipment.
Gantry scanners were installed at strategic locations in various parts of the State and other sophisticated gadgets for intelligence gathering and crime-fighting.
An emergency response centre with a three digit number (112) was put in place for distress calls from any part of the State.
In road sector, the Amaechi administration constructed over 170 roads, including 30 bridges which added more 800 kilometers to existing 1,000 kilometers since 1967.
He expanded G.U. Ake road, Eliozu flyover bridge and Eleme interchange. He also constructed Obiri interchange, AGIP flyover bridge and went further to reconstruct Air Force flyover bridge.
The Amaechi government built 311 ICT-based primary schools in the state and employed 13,210 teachers at a time to fill up the vacancies in both primary and secondary schools. Rivers sons and daughters were given scholarships to study abroad and bursaries paid to those in Nigerian universities.
In the health sector, Amaechi-led government built 160 health centres across the State in addition to the existing 45 since 1967. To man various health facilities in the state, the government employed over 800 doctors and nurses, and also provided accommodations for them at their places of work.
Another remarkable achievement of the administration was the establishment of Greater Port Harcourt City Development Authority that would regulate developmental activities in the new city at the outskirts of Port Harcourt.
Among other projects in different sectors were Adokiye Amasiemaka Sports Complex, Obi Wali International Conference Center, Songhai farms and Buguma fish farm.
Barr. Nyesom Wike took over the mantle of leadership from May 29, 2015 to May 28, 2023. He began his tenure by completing virtually all the road projects initiated by his predecessor such as Trans-Amadi road, Peter Odili-Woji-Akpajo road, Slaughter-Woji-Elelenwo road, Rumukrusi-Elimgbu-Eneka-Igwuruta road, Tam David-West Boulevard, Wimpey-Rumuolumeni road and Iloabuchi-Eagle Island road.
His administration also dualised Saakpenwa-Bori-Kono road, Ahoada road, Eastern Bypass, Igbunabali road, among others. The administration added 1,000 kilometers of roads to the existing ones.
The Wike government was synonymous with flyover bridges having successfully constructed 12 such bridges in Port Harcourt and Obio/Akpor Local Government Areas within a period of four years.
The administration also left footprints with the construction of three campuses of Rivers State University at Emohua, Etche and Ahoada, as well as the Port Harcourt campus of Nigerian Law School.
In addition, the government built residential quarters for members of the Rivers State House of Assembly, office complex for the state and federal high courts, magistrate court, Court of Appeal, National Industrial Court, NBA as well as residential quarters for judges of state high courts.
Among other projects in different sectors were upgrading of Braithwaite Memorial Hospital to Rivers State University Teaching Hospital, the construction of Mother And Child Hospital, reclamation of over 100 hectares of land in seven riverine communities, the construction of Real Madrid Academy, Mile One Market (Phase 2), and Fruit Garden Market.
Governor Siminialayi Joseph Fubara who succeeded Barr. Wike on May 29, 2023, today clocked one year in office.
Although his administration is facing a political crisis that is being stoked up by a group led by the Minister of Federal Capital Territory, Barr. Wike, Governor Fubara has left no one in doubt that he came prepared for the challenges ahead.
From May 14, 2024, the governor has been commissioning and flagging off projects to celebrate his first year in office. These milestones showcase his commitment to the growth and progress of Rivers State.
Among the projects that were commissioned was the Aleto-Ebubu Eteo (Old Bori) Road. This road will enhance connectivity and transportation between various communities, promoting trade and social integration. The Andoni section of the Ogoni-Andoni-Opobo/Nkoro Unity Road and the Emohua-Kalabari (Tema Junction) Road will further strengthen the infrastructure network, stimulating economic activities in the state.
The commissioning of Egbeda Internal Roads will greatly improve accessibility within the area, benefiting residents and businesses alike. Furthermore, the completion of Phase 1 of the Port Harcourt Electrical Village will provide a reliable and sustainable power supply, supporting industrial growth and attracting investments to the state.
Another significant project that was commissioned was the dualized Omoku-Egbema Road. This road will not only enhance connectivity but also facilitate the transportation of goods and services, boosting economic development in the region.
In addition to the commissioning of these projects, Gov Fubara also flagged off four projects aimed at bolstering the economic development of Rivers State. These include the Elele-Omoku Road, an essential artery that will enhance transportation and trade, and Phase 2 of the Port Harcourt Electrical Village, which will further expand the state’s power infrastructure.
The flag-off of Okania-Ogbogoro Road and Trans Kalabari Road Phase II will contribute to the overall development and connectivity of Rivers State. These projects will create new opportunities for commerce, tourism, and social interactions, ultimately improving the quality of life for the people.
Furthermore, as part of his commitment to empowering the youth, Governor Fubara also launched the Youth Development Programme. This initiative is aimed at providing young individuals with the necessary skills and support to excel in various fields and contribute to the development of the state.
Governor Fubara’s one year in office is a testament to his dedication and vision for the progress of Rivers State. He has four signature projects under construction among other ongoing and completed projects and people oriented initiatives: the Port Harcourt Ring road that will transverse six local government areas, the Trans-Kalabari Road Phase 2, the 20,000 low cost housing estate and the Port Harcourt International Automobile Spare Parts Trading and Commercial Centre.
As the state moves forward under Governor Fubara’s leadership, the future looks bright, promising a prosperous and inclusive Rivers State for all its residents.

Reward Akwu

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Special Edition

One Year In Office: Fubara’s Vision For Rivers



For a government that is barely one year in office, the unprecedented political obstacles it faced since inception on May 29, 2023 appears not to have hindered the clear manifestation of the vision of the administration led by Sir Siminalayi Joseph Fubara, the Executive Governor of Rivers State. However, given the uncommon courage with which the governor has faced the challenges to good governance, there is palpable feelings of rediscovered freedom in the state. From the ordinary persons in the streets to the artisans at various corners of the state, from recuperating civil servants to the business community, through to the elderly statesmen, the air now feels fresher with an atmosphere of greater freedom of expression, than before. The reason for this feeling of rejuvenation may not be far from the policy directions of the new administration which points to a promising vision of rebirth for Rivers State, as well as a vision of good governance that draws prosperity to residents of the state.
Encapsulating this vision was part of  Governor Fubara’s closing remarks at the Rivers State Investment Summit which held last week at the Obiwali International Conference Centre, in Port Harcourt, wherein he expressed the philosophy behind his courageous strides thus; “When you can see into the future, you can muster up enough strength to hold on today.”Having been a career civil servant who grew through the ranks, the governor on assumption of office, immediately visited the state secretariat on his first outing to take first-hand tour of a vital instrument of governance, re-assured workers on the new vision of government, and thereafter started restoration work on the secretariat infrastructure. Ever since, he has rescusitated the genuine traditions of the civil service with the implementation of promotions for unjustly stagnated civil servants, filled vacant positions in the medical and the educational sectors, and addressed the plights of retirees, while it is hoped that the injustice of promotion arrears denied workers by previous administrations may be redressed.
With a determination to secure Rivers State as a crime-free, business-friendly and secure environment, the governor supports and urges federal security agencies to be bolder in the fight against all forms of criminality, especially against illegal bunkering and refining activities that in the past caused sooth menace in the entire Niger Delta. The result of such efforts is paying off in more revenues that accrue to governments, from the increasing figures of oil production data which jumped from a low of 1.2 million barrels per day (mbpd) to about 1.7 mbpd. At the Rivers State Investment Summit, Governor Fubara had revealed to an entusiastic audience that, “For us, building a resilient, robust, and diversified economy holds the key to sustainable peace, security and progress of our State and the spiritual, social, and physical well-being of our people,” while saying that the event aimed to advance investment opportunities in Rivers State and “provide an opportunity for us to hear from the experts, exchange ideas, raise questions and receive answers to the economic and investment challenges we face as a State.” He bemoaned the moribond state of the Trans-Amadi Industrial Layout which in the past hosted numerous profitable, commercial industries that generated jobs and revenue for Rivers State and its inhabitants.
Despite the political distractions he faces, the governor comes as a prudent leader who has taken full stock and grasp of the state’s potentials and identified impediments to prosperity, and is therefore poised at uprooting all obstacles, and has through some investor-friendly iniatives proved his commitment to making Rivers State one of the best destinations for local and international investors. While drawing attension to the several investment opportunities across diverse sectors of the Rivers State economy, in the oil and gas industry, agriculture and agro-processing, manufacturing, hospitality and tourism, education, ICT, and healthcare, infrastructure development, glass products, and garments production, and power generation and transmission industries, the governor wants to leverage on the relatively robust infrastructure of the state which include an international airport, two seaports, a free trade zone, extensive coastlines and an educated population, to build a business-friendly environment for rapid re-industrialisation of the state. The recent flag-off of the second phase of the Trans-Kalabari Road project which is to open greater access to coastal communities and enable future location of seaports at deeper ocean shores, further buttresses this resolve, while the re-construction and recent commissioning of the Old Bori road has created an alternative to the Eleme axis of the East-West road that serves the Onne seaport.
Before the economic summit, the governor had revived the Rivers State Micro Finance Agency (RIMA) which, in partnersip with the Bank of Industry (BoI), rolled out few weeks ago, a N4 billion matching loan scheme for Small, Medium and Micro Scale businesses in the state. Under Governor Fubara, Rivers State has authorized TAF Nigeria Limited to undertake the on-going construction of 20,000 mixed houses in the Greater Port Harcourt City. Another development partnership with Gosh Nigeria Limited is constructing an international spare parts market for traders, while approval has been given to Rainbow Heritage Group to build a New Port City in Rivers State on about 1000 hectares of land in collaboration with the Greater Port Harcourt City Authority. Also, arrangements have been concluded for the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between Rivers State and Planet One Holding Limited of Dubai, for a US$10 million Mangrove Forests Conservation and Carbon Capture, a Climate Action Project, under a Private Public Partnership arrangement.
Meanwhile, Apache Aluminium LLC of America is currently acquiring land in the Ogoni axis of the state to establish a multi-billion-naira aluminum rolling mill, while discussions are on-going with Imagine Adama Agricultural and Technology of Israel, to support Rivers State in reviving abandoned agricultural projects and infrastructures such as the Rivers Songhai Farm, the School-to-Land farms, fish farms, feed mills, oil palm estates and poultry farms across the state, and through mechanised agriculture and the agro-processing industrial value chains, partner in developing other huge agricultural potentials. According to the governor, about  US$10 million has been earmarked for this project this fiscal year. Governor Fubara believes that the enormous human and natural resources of the state set it at the centre of diverse economic opportunities in Nigeria and across Africa, and therefore envisions the state with an enviable, nominal GDP of over $28.4 billion to rank even outside Nigeria, with the economies of Botswana, Rwanda, and Gabon.
It’s therefore obvious that with priority on peace, security and good governance, and a conviction that it is the private sector, rather than government, that grows the economy, the Fubara’s administration focuses on growing Rivers State economy through creating the enabling environment for partnerships that sustainably create jobs, economic growth and prosperity for the Rivers State.

Joseph Nwankwo


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