‘Economic Summit Capable Of Launching Rivers Into Economic Giant’

The Mayor of Housing, Mr Ace China, says the economic summit which opens in Port Harcourt today is capable of launching Rivers State into an economic giant with fast growth.
The real estate success strategist said the summit has good news for the State, which he noted would make the State to bounce back to business.
He noted that Rivers State slacked back over the years and yielded ground to Lagos and some other States in some sectors of the economy, contending, however, that a turnaround might have come.
Speaking in Port Harcourt in an interview ahead of the summit, Mr China, a real estate success strategist and Chief Executive Officer of the Housing and Construction Limited, said the good news is that time has come to reverse the downward trend.
Assuring that Rivers State has huge potentials, the Mayor said it is time to exploit them.
For instance, he said whereas some States import sand, but that Rivers State has the best sand which is why it had a glass industry called the West African Glass Industry.
“Those who arranged that the economic summit be discussed in Pidgin English radio station are wise because it has proved that they want to carry along all categories of business operations. It means all business people are required to understand the concept and objectives of the summit.
Economic summit to a common man means think before you act. It means to arrange your economy well, know your areas of advantage and priority. Planning gives better results. It teaches you to put more money where you have advantage. So, the media and strategic media groups have been lined up to communicate the summit well. It’s necessary for brand building. It will help to build Rivers State’s economy into a brand and sell it in such a way that people will understand and assimilate it well.
It means that perception is stronger than reality. Before I came to Port Harcourt, we believed that the State was terrible and that people were dying and nothing was moving and houses were falling. Now, I have found out the realty. So, the economic summit is to separate reality from perception.
For those who ask what the Rivers State Government is willing to give as incentives to boost investment, I would first say we are not here to talk politics but valuetics. It means the value for business. So, we expect people to read and listen with neutral ears not political eyes. In that case, we can say that from the point of business, this governor has done well especially in housing. The governor has excuse not to do economic summit, he has excuse not to do flag- off of projects, or not to continue old projects. But despite all this, he has continued to do projects. Few governors can do that kind of thing. He pursues peace because he thinks that where two elephants fight, the grass (the common man) will suffer. The best that touches my mind is the 20,000 housing schemes he initiated soon after inauguration. Even the Federal Government has not done 20,000, let alone States. No housing estate in Port Harcourt is up to 20,000 and all put together is not near 20,000. Even one major estate in this city is just 1000.
So, the summit is to look at where the governor has done well and where to adjust. They will review the roads and other projects. The best bridge is the one that connects lands or flying over waters. The state government has shown focus and value so far despite the situation on ground, but can do more. If he settles down, he will do wonders. As he listened in the housing sector, he will listen in other areas. His public private partnership (PPP) system in the housing scheme was great. What worries land developers is land acquisition and land papers. Sometimes they kill people just to get land. The Governor secured the land and made the developer to only face building. He also asked the developer to take direct labour, and that would give jobs to over 60,000 people. They are hiring many people. About 10 industries are involved in that project; sand industry, cement industry, electrical industry, etc. He wants to show the world that he is ready and that Rivers State is ready.
On Certificate of Occupancy (CofO) issue, in his one year in office, he has signed more Certificates of Occupancy than all others before him. The problem is most governors make Certificate of Occupancy look like getting kidney. So, we admire the man for this from the building subsector. I tell people to watch Rivers. Now, Abia is doing well, and he has got close to the governor of Abia State, Dr Alex Otti. The economic collaboration between both men is much.
One of my friends said before any farmer will plant, he levels and softens the ground. The major discovery we have made is that the first year is used to prepare the land. Civil servants have been treated well. They got N100,000 each for Christmas, got promotions, pension, etc. This communicates good message and investors like it. Now, three roads alone got N501.2billion in one year. Investors will be impressed by these early signs.
On potentials of Rivers State
All hands are not equal, so some States are richer and others are not so wealthy, especially in terms of internally generated revenue (IGR). In the case of Rivers State, because it is the Treasure Base of the nation which is the hydrocarbon (oil/gas) industry which is Nigeria’s economic mainstay, Rivers State is high on IGR and in wealth generation. So, when Rivers State coughs, Nigeria catches cold.
Rivers State ought to continue to be investors haven as it was in the beginning when wealth was based on productivity. At that time, Rivers State excelled in farming and port system to convert produce to export. Production without export is food. Roads and ports made Port Harcourt tick. What made Lagos important was federal capital presence. It was in Port Harcourt that business was thriving and life was bubbling. It was indeed the Garden City of Nigeria.
It was oil that brought easy money that made people abandon agricultural activities. Politics later came and made it worse. Politics made people to abandon industries and hustle. It made youths to believe that if you don’t disturb (cause violence), you will not be noticed and settled or included.
Fleeing businesses from other parts of Nigeria seem to head to Port Harcourt.
For over 20 years, fleeing investors from the North seem to have been running mostly to Port Harcourt. There is migration of business in Nigeria. That could be why Oyigbo is expanding steadily. Now, such threats to businesses seem to have reared its head in Lagos to make that place a new danger zone. It is the duty of Port Harcourt to prepare land and housing to welcome migrating businesses again.
The Nigeria Export Promotions Council (NEPC) had done an assessment of the One-State-One-Product (OSOP) scheme where a state chose which crop to specialise in and later do export and earn foreign exchange. Rivers State Government chose oil palm and added cassava. This has been for over five years but many say there has been no deliberate effort to develop these two and get their farmers to export readiness. If well managed, cassava will become an export product. See Songhai Farm initiative where the government sunk in many billions of naira, it has been allowed to rot instead of selling it because there were offers. There are several companies waiting to be revamped and privatised. At the economic summit, the government will list such companies and a handbook will answer the questions.
I carefully observed one thing over the thanksgiving events round the state. It gave me an idea. I was looking from an investment point of view. There is a book called the emotion of economics. Gloom is doom, and bloom is boom. When people are happy, things boom. A smiling face sells more. There has been no fight at the rallies, but joy and happiness. So, the people seem to be happy and this is the foundation of a start of an economy.
Agriculture is now failing in the north because of banditry, terrorism, and violence. They can’t access fertilizer anymore but that is what Rivers state produces at Indorama. That is the difference. If you create security in Rivers State on top of other values, investors will flock in.
As an active player in the real estate sector, and they say that sector is the next oil/gas, I will say the sector has a lot to contribute to the economy of Rivers State. This is because house is one of the three basic needs of man (food, shelter, clothing). You can manage one cloth. You can’t manage hunger because its no respecter of persons. Food is land-based and so its real estate. Real estate provides competitive housing. Migration has also started in Lagos. One house is built by 35 persons but if one is demolished, you scare away 35,000 persons. More persons are coming this way.
Role of Government in real estate
So, the role of government in real estate is to first is to systemize the land business; put it in the system. Meet the aboriginal owners, settle with them, register the land in the Ministry. This will remove land grabbing. As the land is changing hands, the system will keep indicating. All land being safe gives investors confidence.
Ease of Doing Business:
EoDB is another forte. There should be fixed amount to be paid for certificate of occupancy and when this is done, it should not take 21 days to pick it up, without knowing the people in government. Also, the government should issue land use regulation which stipulates what you can and cannot build in any area. The governor must put people that are trusted and not involved in politics like Olusegun Obasanjo did when he put the late Prof Dora Akunyuli in charge of drugs and food (NAFDAC).
Entertainment is another critical area:
Beyond cassava and oil palm, there is huge potential for agriculture. This is because river is source of wealth (fishing, leisure, etc, and the state is called Rivers State. There was Carniriv at one time. Those days of Rex Lawson made Port Harcourt the happening centre. Companies were paying entertainers. Now, it looks like if you don’t migrate to Lagos, you won’t succeed.
It is painful that most of the projects that others use to come first now were once started in Rivers State; power, palm kernel, monorail, airline, etc. .
Expectations from the summit:
The governor is the chief host and so he will unveil his plans and incentives. Without a summit, he started the 20,000 housing project, roads to riverine areas, etc. So, the summit will show him priorities, and EoDB, new offices to enhance business, incentives, tax waivers, etc. Abia State is now boasting with steady power. Rivers was first in that area. The healthy competition between Abia and Rivers will begin. Major impact will be rapid development in places such as Oyigbo as gateway towns.”
Our Govt’ll Eventually Triumph, Fubara Assures Rivers People …Inaugurates Govt House Staff Quarters

Rivers State Governor, Sir Siminalayi Fubara, has declared that despite the unceasing antagonism against his administration, the course of governance is irreversible, and victory is assured for the State.
The Governor, who noted how the news of the judgment of the Supreme Court dampened the spirit of most Rivers people, charged them to brace up because what is ahead is more than what just passed.
Governor Fubara gave the assurance while inaugurating the Rivers State Government House Staff Quarters, reconstructed by his administration, along Forces Avenue (opposite Government House), Old GRA, Port Harcourt last Monday.
He noted that as humans, they may have felt disturbed by the Apex Court’s pronouncements, but advised them to realise that God, who has their back, will accomplish His purpose.
He said, “Our back is not on anybody; it is on God. I want to thank you for your support, and assure you that, if there is one person on this planet Earth that will continue to stand by you, I will be that person.
“I assure you that I will lead you with honour, I will lead you with respect, and I will lead you with integrity, knowing that when I leave here, I would have questions to answer, if I am called upon 20 – 30 years from today. I want to be proud to defend my position. So, I thank you and assure you that I will not disappoint you.”
Governor Fubara, however, emphasised that no matter how much the adversaries have tried to fool the State, the time has fully come for Rivers people to take their destinies in their hands.
The Governor, who clarified that he has never subscribed to violence or asking people to indulge in lawless acts, warned that his administration will not look away when haters of the State struggle to unlease violence in the State.
He said, “No matter how we’ve been fooled in this State, it has gotten to a point when the people have to decide to take their destinies in their hands.
“Inasmuch as I don’t subscribe to violence, when the time comes for us to take a decision, I will lead the course for that decision. Let me say it again: I am not scared of anything, the worse that will happen is for me to leave the office. Am I leaving the earth? Is it going to stop me from existing?
“So, I am not even bothered about that. But the right thing must be done, and must be said when the opportunity is given to us. Let me thank everyone, more especially our youths. Be strong, don’t be perturbed. I assure you, at the right time, you will hear from us.”
Governor Fubara pointed to why it has to be on record and known by everybody that the interest of Rivers State remains his top priority, quickly emphasising that he will not hesitate to pay the supreme price, if it is so required.
But, Governor Fubara noted that his strength is in the supreme God and all Rivers people who love the State, and are interested in its progress and peace, counselling them to know that there is honour and glory in fighting gallantly, being on the side of truth.
Governor Fubara pointed attention to the Holy Scripture, quoting Philippians 3 verse 18-19, which said: “For as I have often told you before, and now, I tell you again, even with tears, many live as enemies of the cross of Christ. Their destiny is destruction, and their god is in their stomach, and their glory is in their shame, their mind is set on earthly things only.”
The Governor stated: “Just like the word said, we are not after our stomach, we are after the joy of our people, that at the end of the day, what will count for us is the lives that we have touched genuinely, the legacy we leave that will speak for us, that will open doors for our children, the generations yet unborn.
“Knowing that and having that in mind, it spurs us, it forces me, as a person, to stand on the side of right, to do good, to stand on the side of truth that even if anybody calls me tomorrow, I should be bold to defend my actions.”
Commenting on the project, Governor Fubara expressed delight that his administration was foresighted to have conceived the project, executed it, and, by the special grace of God, is dedicating it to the glory of God for use by the workers.
Governor Fubara stated that what has been achieved: the staff quarters and other projects lined up for inauguration, as proof against what has been said in some quarters, that there is good governance on course in the State.
He said, “Here is a legitimate, purpose-driven governance in Rivers State, and we are here to display, genuinely, not because of our own selfish interest, one of those things that this government has done to show that we appreciate, understand the need, and must continue to do what is right for our people.
“When we came on board, this building was a dilapidated building, completely unhabitable. We felt we must add value, which is the basis of our governance, to what we met, and we decided that, look, our staff can’t be living in uncomfortable place, they can’t leave like animals while I leave in big comfortable place.
“How would I get efficiency from my workers if they are not happy, and the government decided to embark on this project. I am happy that the contractor delivered it within the time limit.”
Governor Fubara thanked the elders of the State who have continued to provide support and stand with his administration, and assured them that he will not disappoint their expectation of providing good governance to the State.
In his address, Chief of Staff, Government House, Rt. Hon. Edison Ehie thanked the Governor for embarking on the reconstruction of the project, and for tastefully furnishing the facility to make living comfortable for workers.
Providing the project description, Permanent Secretary, Government House, Mr Chukwuma Ndudi Augustine, said the project was awarded on June 6, 2024 to Monier Construction Company (MCC), and today, staff of government will have a more comfortable accommodation that will impact positively on their productivity.
He stated: “The Government House Staff Quarters has 6 numbers of two bedroom, 11 numbers of one bedroom, 11 numbers of Boys Quarters. Hostel A has 32 bed spaces, Hostel B has 30 bed spaces. There is canteen, cafeteria, gymnasium – fitness centre where staff will be exercising themselves, mini basketball court, a soundproof power generating plant, water tank. The contract is completed, and contract sum fully paid.”
Okogbule Steps Down, Lauds Fubara For Support As RSU VC
The outgoing Vice Chancellor of the Rivers State University (RSU), Port Harcourt, Prof. Nlerum Okogbule, has commended the Rivers State Governor, Sir Siminilayi Fubara, for his support towards the successful completion of his tenure.
Okogbule said he owed the governor a debt of gratitude for his support to his administration and his decision to allow him continue from office as the Vice Chancellor despite being appointed by Fubara’s estranged godfather and predecessor, Nyesom Wike.
The outgoing Vice Chancellor stated this during a valedictory press briefing held at the university’s auditorium to give account of his five-year single tenure as the Vice Chancellor of the university.
“The essence of this briefing is to give account of my stewardship, achievements and challenges within the period under review.
“First, let me thank the Almighty God for seeing me through in good health despite the office challenges. He has really been faithful. My appreciation also goes to the two governors who are visitors to the university for appointing me and for as well, allowing me complete my tenure,” he said.
Okogbule expressed joy for the opportunity given to him to serve the State, saying he was bowing out from the office as a fulfilled man who has served meritoriously and also achieved a lot in the development of the institution.
He noted that RSU became one of the best universities in the country under his watch and listed the establishment of the school’s satellite campus in Etche, Emohua and Ahaoda as part of his achievements.
According to him, academic activities in those satellite campus are in their third years.
“We could not complete that of Keren in Khana Local Government Area because we could not complete the remodeling of the campus; so the students will continue to remain at the main campus,” he added.
Okogbule also pointed out that the graduation and induction of first set of medical nurses and midwifery students took place during his administration, while also achieving full accreditation of many courses for the university.
On the challenges faced by his administration, the Vice Chancellor identified lack of funding and power supply as major constraints, and advised his successor to look for alternative sources for power generation.
He expressed appreciation to his management team, staff and students including the media for the support given to him during his tenure and urged them to extend same to his successor.
Prof. Okogbule’s five-year single term comes to an end today, having been appointed on March 5, 2020 by the former governor of the State, Nyesom Wike.
Amadi Akujobi
Don Tasks Varsities On Artificial Intelligence
A renowned lecturer at the University of Port Harcourt, Prof. Bourdillon Omijeh, has called on universities to upscale their academic curriculum to keep up with the advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AI).
Omijeh stated this while delivering the 196th Inaugural Lecture of the University of Port Harcourt, last week.
Speaking on the topic: “Embedded Systems, The Game Changer On Modern Industrialisation”, he discussed what he described as Education 4.0, emphasising the need to integrate digital and innovative skills into education to keep up with rapid technological changes with Artificial Intelligence.
“Education 4.0 has to do with education in the fourth industrial revolution, whereby you have build in the emerging digital skills. The jobs that are available now, in the next few years, will phase out, because we are now in the era of full automation.
“Artificial Intelligence is taking the whole lead, and so we need to develop manpower for industry. If we go to the oil and gas today, it is a transformed oil and gas system, whereby all the things that would have been done mechanically are being done automatically”, he said.
Omijeh called on government to prioritize human capacity development, saying that while infrastructural projects may face setback, investing in youth education and equipping students with relevant technological skills will enable them to earn livelihood during their studies.
He stressed the importance of acquiring practical skills alongside formal education, adding that relying solely on academic certificates will no longer be sufficient in today’s fast-changing digital landscape.
In his speech, the Vice Chancellor of University of Port Harcourt, Prof. Owunari Georgewill, highlighted Prof. Omijeh’s impact on the school.
“Prof. Omijeh is a game-changer. He has attracted so much to the university in terms of collaboration. And I must tell you, do not think it is easy that you make people from outside the country come here, bring equipment, bring money, trust you enough to say you can carry out research and give them results.
“You know we are in an era of digital transformation and so every curriculum must take into cognizance the fact that the digital transformation has come to stay.
“So, in whichever way you want to teach, in whichever way you want to research, you must think digital as the way to go. So, embedded systems have come to stay in the University of Port Harcourt”, he said.
The lecture showcased Prof. Omijeh’s research breakthrough in embedded systems, emphasizing their impacts on industrial revolution, community development and global recognition.
His innovations include GSM-based control device for home appliances, GSM-based remote control robotic car, among others.
The Inaugural Lecture recommended that the federal government should invest massively in Education 4.0 and the production sector of the economy, fund start-ups, innovation hubs and create smart factories.
It also recommended for improved curriculum and teaching methodology for embedded systems and emerging technology, among others.
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