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NWAPDI Launches Home Farming Scheme For Women In Okrika



A non-governmental group,  Nigerian Women for Agricultural Progressive Development Initiative (NWAPDI), has taken it’s sensitization programme on home grown farming to women in Okrika Local Government Area.
The body which started in April, 2024 in Rivers State is boasting of huge grassroot followership and is planning a green revolution.
The Rivers State Coordinator, Barrister Ngozi Ajayi, who disclosed this in Okrika, last Thursday, said the programme would change the fortunes of women farmers and their families.
Ajayi was joined by  local government coordinators from Etche, Okrika, Emohua, and Omuma, at Ibaka Town, Okrika, to inaugurate 12-member Ward Coordinators of NWAPDI in the area.
Ajayi stated that since July, when the local government coordinators of NWAPDI were inaugurated, the body which aims to boost food sufficiency and arm women with skills in agro-production, had grown in followership, especially among the women folk.
She commended women in Okrika for the interest they had shown in the scheme, adding that she was impressed with the huge turnout and participation.
Shortly after inaugurating the 12 Ward Coordinators, Ajayi charged the women to exploit the opportunities provided by NWAPDI.
She reiterated that the body had come to stay as a way of  improving the wellbeing of women who, most times, were providers in their families.
“We want all of you to go back to your families and tell your people that whatever space you have, utilize it for subsistence farming.
“As you can see, the body is made up of lawyers, lecturers, teachers, and women in different sectors. The essence is to call attention on the need for women to collaborate together so their voices will be heard.
“Women are the major backbone in the agric sector, and if their efforts are harnessed to impact on the nation’s food production, their impact can go far,”she said.
With NWAPDI on board, she expressed optimism that the plight of women farmers would be reduced, such that all government and international support would get to the grassroots.
Also speaking, NWAPDI Coordinator in Okrika Local Government  Area, Prof. Nene Jamabo, a professor of Aqua Culture at the University of Port Harcourt, had  expressed delight over the interest shown by women in the LGA, saying with cluster farming, women would be empowered more than before.
“What we intend to do is Cluster Farming, and it’s  a whole lot of value chain. We want every woman to put food on their table.
“In Okrika we have observed that most of the women are into crafts, so we will combine cluster with integrated farming- to create a chain; some will be farming, some will be processing and others will be into marketing”, she said.
In her speech, the Chairperson, Caretaker Committee of Okrika Local Government Council, Mrs Gold Okujagu, who was represented by the Secretary of the Council, expressed satisfaction with the initiative.
She described NWAPDI as timely and very crucial to the current economic challenges in the country.
She explained that in an era of processed foods, the initiative would encourage women to grow organic foods.
She urged every woman to engage in subsistence farming at any level to reduce hazardous things that were being consumed as food.
Speaking after the inauguration, the Ward 2 Coordinator, Mrs Ibiere Williams, expressed gratitude to the Rivers State and Okrika Local Government Coordinators for organizing the programme.
Mrs Williams, who is of Ngeme-Biri, a civil servant, observed that many women from different parts of Okrika attended the programme, which indicated the readiness on their part to end food scarcity in the area.
“We saw many women from different parts of Okrika. That means we are ready to farm and see what we can gain. We appreciate the organisers, and they really encouraged us. We learned that there are so many ways for planting since we do not have much land in Okrika. Our women were happy.
“We are given these items free to plant in broken buckets, nylon and bags due to scarcity of land in the area. We were taught that sand mixed with fresh fish intestine can serve as manure. This was very educative. If we practice what we were taught, in the next one year, there will be food sufficiency in Okrika”, she said.
In her comments, a member of NWAPDI, Mrs Felicia Barasin, a business woman from Bulome-Biri stated that the programme was good and timely as many families were finding it difficult to feed because of the harsh economy.
Highlight of the occasion was the administration of oaths to the Ward Coordinators of the local government area by the Legal Officer, Ibiwari Maureen Waribo.
Also, the award of certificates and recognition of executive members of NWAPDI Okrika LGA by the State Coordinator. The EXCO include Vice Coordinator, Dr. Ibinabo Ogolo; Secretary, Ms. Constance Kalio; Treasurer, Mrs. Sime Loveday; and Public Relations Officer, Mrs Roseline Orupabo.
Cassava stems, okro, and vegetable seeds were shared amongst the women after the training section.
Over 500 women from Okrika Local Government Area attended the programme.
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Looking Fresh With Low Hair Cut



Going with low hair cut had long been identified as a fashion for the male folk, until lately when ladies and women suddenly realised they could be quite appealing and admired in that look. There is that trace of youthfulness in every lady, which best noticed when dressed naturally.
Those who have discovered this fact testify that they are at their best in low-cut hairs and, of course, you can say that again and again.
It is very amazing how ladies whether married or unmarried nowadays decide to visit barber shops for special styles. some maintain dark hairs while others go for colours.
It is quite amazing how the trend rolls around like a ball. Before, it was considered absurd to have a lady wear a low cut, probably because it paints a picture of one still in the dark. it also shows that the person is not informed and exposed.
It was also assumed to mean lack of money for the maintenance of different hair styles especially considering the high cost of materials.
Perhaps, you are yet to see some exquisite short-cut hairstyles that can lure you to give up your long hairs. Low cut hairs are most fashionable when left natural. Its limitless styling options are worth exploring by black women.
Styles like versatile bob with different angles, straightened, and typical African are but the few you need to highlight the youthfulness in you. Besides, the special texture of the black woman’s hair makes it unmatchable with so many lengths and styles. Only short hairs can perfectly compete the look you need to be your admirers’ model.
It is indeed the vogue of the moment, it is the celebrities’ delight. Nothing says edgy and stylish like short hair-dos. So, why not join the trendy train? No doubt, short hairs flatter black ladies just like the men.
When you talk about giving the hair a colour, the young men are not left out of the fashion.

Eunice Choko-Kayode

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Looking Fresh With Low Hair Cut



Going with low hair cut had long been identified as a fashion for the male folk, until lately when ladies and women suddenly realised they could be quite appealing and admired in that look. There is that trace of youthfulness in every lady, which best noticed when dressed naturally.
Those who have discovered this fact testify that they are at their best in low-cut hairs and, of course, you can say that again and again.
It is very amazing how ladies whether married or unmarried nowadays decide to visit barber shops for special styles. some maintain dark hairs while others go for colours.
It’s quite amazing how the trend rolls around like a ball. Before, it was considered absurd to have a lady wear a low cut, probably because it paints a picture of one still in the dark. it also shows that the person is not informed and exposed.
It was also assumed to mean lack of money for the maintenance of different hair styles especially considering the high cost of materials.
Perhaps you are yet to see some exquisite short-cut hairstyles that can lure you to give up your long hairs. Low cut hairs are most fashionable when left natural. Its limitless styling options are worth exploring by black women.
Styles like versatile bob with different angles, straightened, and typical African are but the few you need to highlight the youthfulness in you. Besides, the special texture of the black woman’s hair makes it unmatchable with so many lengths and styles. Only short hairs can perfectly compete the look you need to be your admirers’ model.
It is indeed the vogue of the moment, it is the celebrities’ delight. Nothing says edgy and stylish like short hair-dos. So, why not join the trendy train? No doubt, short hairs flatter black ladies just like the men.
When you talk about giving the hair a colour, the young men are not left out of the fashion.

Eunice Choko-Kayode

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How Women Can Manage Issues In Marriage



Marriage is a fabric of the society. In Christendom, marriage is designed for two people. Marriage as seen these days is almost on attack. It is common to see that couples go into marriage and in not less than six months, that marriage is threatened. Little issues that should not cause problems arise. All hands must be on deck to ensure that couples keep to marital vows. Sometimes you may be surprised to hear what causes the problems. The most annoying thing is that couples do not say the truth when issues are made public.
Different people have different opinions when conflicts occur in marriage. Some ague that women should be the custodian of love in marriage. There are women who cannot exercise patience in things that concern husband and wife. When they are undergoing challenges, they are asked to remain, especially those who have children. There are those who may not continue in marriage even when they have ten kids in a home. The number of children a woman has may not stop her from ending a marriage.
A believer’s trust in God will make her succeed in marriage. There is a relationship between marriage and the scripture. In marriage, you don’t allow your partner to work alone. It is for companionship before children start arriving.
Ask yourself if your companionship in marriage is what it should be. It is a journey for husband and wife. There should be words of encouragement when things are not normal.
Before going into marriage, develop the capacity to cope. It is not that you may not have other friends, but your partner needs your cooperation and understanding to make it work. Be a good partner and ensure a balance between the two of you.
Women should avoid selfish motives in marriage. It is a fact that marriage challenges are so much, but women should do things without expecting credit. One can ask: “What will I gain from marriage”. Of course the benefits are enormous. If marriage does not work for one, it does not mean that it will not work for another. Things concerning marriage are seen in different perspective by different people.
There must be good communication between a husband and wife, effective communication indeed. Communication is learned and it is effective when your meaning equates that of your spouse. Communication is a skill. Couples must learn how to communicate, not by shouting when communicating. Couples must learn how to communicate, not by shouting when communicating. Communication enforces bonding. Communication is a life wire in marriage. The bond of marriage should be strengthened so that marriages can last longer.
Words are powerful. Words are spirit in the life of your spouse. Listening strengthens marriage. Actions must align with what you say, when and how you say it. The way you say it must be understood.
A woman should put herself in the shoe of her spouse. Showing empathy to your spouse will go a long way in strengthening your marriage.
When you talk about love in marriage, there are many skills.
Listening takes patience. It is a skill that needs patience. It is good to listen for several hours for your spouse to empty his heart.
In marriage, offence will definitely come especially when the marriage is new. There must be differences because people are coming from different backgrounds. Limited understanding can cause conflicts in marriage so giving way to one person can help in marriage. No offence should remain permanent. You can overcome challenges and don’t let conflict tear your marriage apart.
Experts in marital affairs have come with tools that can make marriage work. Such tools are shared resources.
A woman should not shut her spouse down.
For women to be steadfast in marriage, there is a lot to do. Creating a community where you share wisdom is necessary. A healthy community indeed. No matter how smart a woman may be, there are things she may be ignorant of.
Most importantly, it is wrong for a woman to discipline a child in her care by putting pepper or painful substances into a child’s private part. Some women also have the habit of tearing a girl’s dress in the public due to one provocation or the other.
Community activity is important to a woman to excel in marriage. Bathing together by couples will strengthen their marriage. Although some wives may not like it. It may shock you to know that some couples bathed together only when they got married newly. A woman was interviewed when she encountered problem in marriage. A counsellor asked when she had a bath last with her husband, she replied that it was only when they got married. After about twenty fifteen years they had not.
Marriage requires much to keep it moving from one level to another. Other activities involve commitment, hard work, diligence just to mention but a few. Attending professional marital seminars can help solve some problems. It is good to locate community, positive ones where couples learn and share ideas, express their problems and challenges and seek solutions and remedies.
Norms, experience, value and others are the factors responsible for marital sweetness and uniqueness.
Marriage is like a template. What you log in is what you get. No two marriages are the same and there is no comparison in marriage. The principles in marriage work provided you apply them well. The principles must be backed up with examples.
The principles of friendship in marriage work depending on how you apply them. An application that worked in your marriage may not work in another’s marriage. It is wrong to copy what may not work for you.
The principles also work with time. Creating quality time together can help make a unique marriage.
Years ago, only man worked to fend for the family while the woman stayed at home to nurture children and do other house chores. Nowadays, the woman too works or engages in other businesses as the man may not be able to handle upkeeps alone. You discover that their schedules are very tight that they don’t have quality time for themselves. Some persons are addicted to their devices that they may not have enough time for their spouses.
For marriage to be sweet, partners must create quality time for themselves. Family time should be created to include the children. As couples continue to be engaged in jobs and day to day businesses, they must create time. For you to have a unique marriage, a neutral time should be created for couples to interact. There are women who feel that quality time with their spouses depend on the expenditure involved. They prefer a situation where their spouses take them outside home for relaxation.
Culture is another problem affecting uniqueness of marriage. There are men who prefer to spend time with friends and kinsmen instead of spending such time with their wives.
They see the woman as one whose time should be spent only in the kitchen. In some people’s culture, women can never stay where men gather and discuss.
For women to build marital sweetness, building resilience in relationship is key as well as romantic adventure. Women need to build very strong resilience to be in marriage. Resilience is the capacity to withstand challenges and unforeseen circumstances.
Many marriages are doing well on their own but challenges like sickness, poverty, lack of children (infertility), infidelity, etc, go a long way to destroy them.
A lot of relationships standing today have undergone many problems for marital sweetness to be achieved. It is a not a bed of roses.
Marriages nowadays have chances of disintegrating but some couples are able to make up. Resilience builds strong marriage. Standard of living, family upkeep, intimacy, finance to buy things in the home affect marriage.
Marriage undergoes phases. There are times when couples abuse themselves but being a resilient partner can help your marriage survive. Consistently make up your mind that your marriage will succeed.
As a woman, getting pregnant and taking delivery of a baby at the ninth month, nursing and nurturing such baby takes a lot of challenges, so also is marriage.
If you can determine that your business must grow with resilience then your marriage can also work.
Little talks from wives normally make their spouses take some decisions in marital affairs. Let’s assume your spouse returns late from work or business with a troubled mind, you should be able to encourage him or her.
Gratitude to partners and appreciating each other’s efforts in little things at home help in building marital sweetness.
Building problem solving skills help you maintain resilience in marriage.
Identify what the problem is. Don’t deal with the symptoms. Take series of questions. For you to be resilient, you must know how to solve problems. If you are not a good problems-solver, you may be creating a problem. Be patient because all problems cannot be solved in a day.
A woman may take a break without violence and as you leave the house, you don’t bang the door.
Being a problem solver, you should be able to manage your mental health. Mental stability is very important.
Discretion is important in building resilience. You consider who is qualified and who is not qualified. Having mentors in marriage is good especially those who have been in marriage for many years.
Avoid being an unteachable spouse. A woman should learn from experts in marital seminars and workshop.
Your marriage like a house should be built in such a way that when flood comes, it is not washed away.


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