Reports have it that the federal government on Tuesday inaugurated an inter-ministerial committee to investigate the causes of building collapse in the country with a view...
Reports have it that the federal government on Tuesday inaugurated an inter-ministerial committee to investigate the causes of building collapse in the country with a view...
Election is the beauty and the principle of democracy. The moment election is characterised by violence it rubbishes the essence of democracy. The introduction of violence...
Deride him as much as you can and want. Hate him as many in the opposition have adopted to. Even some have chosen to see him...
The greatest problem Nigeria is facing today is leadership. The future of any country depends largely on the quality of governance it has at the local,...
The last general election must have been an unfascinating eye-opener to many Nigerians. Rather than getting better, what transpired were simmering rancour, bitterness, intra and inter-party...
For many years, various regimes and governments had come up with programmes, policies and measures which are supposed to address the numerous problems of the nation....
According to the English dictionary, proactive means “controlling a situation by causing something to happen rather than waiting to respond to it after it happens”. It...
As the management and students of the University of Port Harcourt (Unique Uniport) prepare to celebrate and honour their students who had fully completed their various...
The Federal Government inaugurated the Primary Health Care (PHC) plan in the National Health Policy of 1988 to improve equity in access and utilisation of basic...