It is indeed heart-break ing to see innocent, harmless young girls, young boys, men, women being murdered every now and then in this country. Since 2009,...
In fact, some of the criminals post pictures on Social Me dia that disguise they are beautiful girls or women, and propose friendship, business deals or...
Temperance, the prac tice of controlling your behaviour so that it is always reasonable, is an inate longing in every human being. Unfortunately, the society and...
The social media is not a safe place to make new friends. However, some persons may use the social media platforms to connect with people they...
Often people have expressed worries about the future of this country. With the gradual disappearance of altruism and patriotism in virtually all spheres of our national...
Violence means oppressing the less-privileged, under the authority of a ruler the act may be based on gender, race skin colour tribe, state or origin, or...
Monkey dey work, ba boon dey chop is a popular saying in Nigeria. It captures a scenario in which the one does the whole job, often...
It used to be fun when in those days, the fear of school teachers was the beginning of a good, intelligent and respectful child (pupil or...
Nigeria my beloved coun try is indeed, inspite of all odds, a great country that is fast changing. I remember with nostalgia when as a teenager...
Unity is a prelude to development in any given society, hence development cannot thrive in any region or society where there is chaos, disunity or lack...