Women journalists from different parts of the country last week, gathered in Abeokuta, the Ogun State capital to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Nigeria Association...
Critical thinking and expression have been regarded the world over as an integral part of a modern society which is why nations no matter the system...
The cry of lack of funding by the government as revealed by most heads of government parastatals has become a song whose lyrics cannot be heard...
Language is the human essence. It operates at two levels, namely, the phonic level (Spoken Language), and the graphic level (Written Language). English Language which is...
The continued dumping of industrial wastes and wrecked barge in the territorial waters of Rivers State by multinational companies like NOTORE, NNPC, Mobil, Intels, Oando, Agip,...
National pride is not the negative connotation of arro gance, irresponsibility and falsehood. It is the loftiness of place and positive assertion of the worth of...
The Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary has defined the word ‘read’ as to ‘look and comprehend the meaning of written or printed words. Reading, therefore, is the...
Next to Boko Haram and the deadly Ebola virus is un employment, particularly graduate unemployment. This has been the major issue successive administrations have tried to...
The 2015 general elec tions are some months away and yet the drum beats of war are already echoing in different parts of the country. The...
A study on the industrial uses of the Mangroves, con ducted by (FENCO) in 1976 indicated that Rivers State is roughly cropped of 30,000 hectares of...