Every man, except the pampered child of fortune, ought to have a vocation in order to earn his livelihood. In traditional Jewish society, acquisition of vocational...
Nigeria is a sovereign nation and all hands must be on deck to maintain its sovereignty. A number of infrastructural developement must be put in place....
Animals cannot attain self-consciousness and so are incapable of performing moral acts. Unlike animal, right from conception every human person has the imprint of the eternal...
Education is the foundation of socio-economic, political and manpower development in any country. It is the avenue through which, individuals and the society is enlightened. In...
Violence means op pressing the less-privileged, under the authority of a ruler. The act may be based on gender, race, skin colour, tribe, state of origin,...
“It is a pitiable dismal pismal. It is regrettably lugubri ous,” a famous expression by the grammatical freelancer in the then Federal House of Representatives, may...
The conduct of public servants, especially directors and other principal officers in the discharge of their duties, coupled with increasing rate of corruption in the civil...
Everyday humanitarian aid workers help millions of people around the world regardless of who they are and where they are. As the attacks on humanity increase,...
Soon after his ap pointment as the Chief of Defence Staff, Air Marshal Alex Badeh declared April this year as deadline for the end of insurgency...
The southern part of Nigeria is situated in the Atlantic Ocean. Nigeria is largely divided by two major rivers: Rivers Niger and Benue. There are so...