Flooding is a perennial problem caused by severe and torrential rainfall or rivers and oceans overflowing its banks as a result of high tides, thereby submerging...
This is the concluding part of this article publsihed last week Friday. I think what has happened over the years with our power generation is a...
No man is an island. A great deal of people uses this expression without appropriate consideration of its meaning. But I will do an analytical x-ray...
Tuesday, 4th November, 2008 marked an historical turn around in the socio-cultural and political spectrum of the world with particular focus on the global democratic aphrodisiacs....
It may not be wrong to say that petroleum products, which the good Lord freely endowed us with, has become a curse and a source of...
There is a universal consensus on the central role of electricity in economic growth such as production and productivity, human development such as life expectancy, knowledge...
Children are the gift from God. This expression aptly explains why couples who are yet to get this blessing from God in their marriage constantly besiege...
Peace is a panacea and catalyst for development as righteousness is to the exaltation of a nation. And inversely, sin is a reproach to it as...
The first time I heard about the word,” paradigm” was during my undergraduate days. My lecturer on advertising and marketing often used the word, “paradigm shift”....
For the past two weeks, my rambunctious neighbours have turned into my alarm clock. They usually rouse me from sleep during the early hours with their...