Again, the payment of a ‘living wage’ should begin to apply in recruitment and remuneration of workers in Nigeria. Security is a sensitive duty which does...
Excerpt from Nigeria’s 50th anniversary lecture at the Embassy of Nigeria, Paris. Walk with me in memory to one of the greatest celebrations, the end of...
It is unfortunate that a group of Nigerians, some of them, so-called elder statesmen, would take advantage of the grave national tragedy that befell the country...
The importance of security in any nation or community cannot be over-stressed. Without security, no country can move forward. In fact, without security, the citizens are...
With its abundant human and natural resources, Nigeria apparently has the most enviable economic profile on the African continent. It has an area of over 923,773...
The fallen man remains what he is and may not change, even in a life-time. Nigeria’s October 1, 2010 50th Independence Anniversary celebration bomb blasts that...
As the noble bard of yesterday, James Russel Lowell, eloquently stated, “ once to every man and nation, comes the moment to decide, in the strife...
“So that whoever resists the authorities opposes what Godhas established, and those who resist will bring judgment on themselves.”(Rom. 13:1, ISV) “Everyone must submit himself to...
The Nigerian is an optimistic and a happy being. He thanks God for the good, the bad, and the ugly. So despite the backwardness and the...
The Ibrahim Babangida’s, regime was bloody with other inhuman acts. Evidently, the issue of eliminating a renowned journalist, Dele Giwa in 1986 for speaking the truth...