The Federal Government of Nigeria recognizes water and sanitation as the most important need man. Various Government initiatives geared’ wards meeting this basic and important need...
Political historians usually associate periods in a country’s political history with a certain brand of politics and Nigeria is not an exception to this. At present,...
The re-branding Nigeria project is more like decorating a package and making it attractive to prospective buyers or investors. It is much the same as window-dressing....
One of the recurring problems of Nigeria is boat mishap. Yearly cases of boat mishap are reported in the country without any sign of cessation. This...
A disciple of confuscius once asked his great master what the basic ingredients of good governance are, and Confucius answered “sufficient food, sufficient weapons and the...
Addiction is all about getting hooked on harmful habits especially drugs; alcohol or food. This has invariably sent many to their untimely death. While driving your...
One of the major responsibilities of every government is to take measures that would promote the well-being of its citizens. In doing this, government has to...
The International Criminal Court was obviously established to ensure the effective Administration of International Justice system for such crimes against humanity. Towards the effort of establishing...
Vivid images of environmental and political degradation of the Niger Delta region of Nigeria were a terrifyingly common place: surfaces of rivers and streams littered with...
For several years, the Niger Delta region of Nigeria has been a hot bed for Federal Government’s presence especially in its joint venture business activities with...