As the 2023 general election draws near and with all the political permutations in place, it is time to interrogate the position of Nigerian women as...
Since the beginning of last year, cost of things, especially education, has significantly risen. Families are complaining of how difficult it is to pay their children’s...
The Child’s Rights Act and the African Children’s Charter define a child as a person below 18 years of age. Nigeria adopted the Child’s Rights Act in...
Corruption, to very many people, is like the allegory of the “blind men and the elephant”. Each of the blind men who had the privilege of...
The fact that a presidential aspirant used the making of 20 million Nigerians millionaires between 2023 and 2030, as a campaign bait, is an indication of...
On January 1, 2012, in his New Year address, President Good luck Jonathan announced the removal of fuel subsidy. The move was intended to lift the...
Reservations trailing the decision by the federal government to conduct a national population census immediately after the 2023 general elections are not unexpected. This is more...
Bride price is payment made by a groom or his kin to the family of the bride in order to ratify a marriage. It is paid...
There was one Alfred Dreyfus (1859 – 1935), a brilliant Captain in the French Army (Intelligence unit) who was convicted of passing military information to the...
Last week, I received the news that a childhood friend, Kenneth, was shot dead in the South-East and his vehicle taken away. The photo showed that...