The two chambers of the National Assembly recently adopted the proposal for administrative and financial autonomy for local governments as the third tier of government in...
Among the most hack neyed expressions ever used in English language is “to be fore-warned, is to be fore-armed”. This expression has been proven beyond reasonable...
There are conceptual philosophies about immortality and re-incarnation of humanity. In the genesis account, it was recorded that man was made from the dust of the...
Education has been described as the process through which individuals are made functional members of their society. It is a process through which one acquires knowledge,...
Election is a process where the citizens of a country, file out in their numbers to elect their leaders. These leaders once elected have the obligation...
Poised by the pains and grief of the abduction of over 200 school girls in a government secondary school in Chibok, Bornu State, Nigeria, by the...
One of the major challenges facing children today is that most parents have failed to inculate in their children from early age, the true African and...
Prince Ibinabo Lazarus – Primary Health Worker We initially demanded the formation of Primary Health Care Management Board because of unfair treatment meted on Primary Health...
Boko Haram is an Is lamic fundamentalist sect whose aims include the violent overthrow of the Federal Government of Nigeria and the introduction of the Sharia...
It is no longer news that 2015 is elections year in Nigeria. And the voter’s cards are the only tool the electorates have to vote in...