One document I would hardly delete from my memory in a hurry, is one of the works in the stable of Adanna Chinedu Madu’s collection titled...
According to the latest data from Nigeria’s Bureau of Statistics, NBS, 100 million Nigerians live below a dollar a day, and 112 million of an estimated...
In the heat of the power sector reform in 2010, Nigerians thought their prayers for stable power supply had been heard. Their elation knew no bounds...
National pride is not the negative connotation of arrogance, irresponsibility and falsehood. It is the loftiness of place and positive assertion of the worth of a...
One of the basic needs of man is shelter. Every human in the world needs shelter in order to have peaceful living. It is a constitutional...
Overall, this present administration has been burdened with the almost helpless situation of insecurity in the country. Many people have tried to proffer explanation as to...
In the last four decades, it was a common thing to see some fair-looking acquiline-structured males traverse communities in the southern and eastern part of Nigeria....
Nations world over regard matters of security with an absolute sense of importance. Therefore, the current security challenges being experienced by Nigeria, the acclaimed giant of...
Sometime last year, I was at the Rivers State University of Science and Technology, RSUST, Port Harcourt, for the convocation ceremony of a cousin. While the...
The overwhelming green house gases (GHGs) have come to stay because the balancing forests have tremendously declined resulting into detrimental effects on the earth. It is...